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Name: WRIGHT, Margaret A., Mrs
Birth Date: 1914
Death Date: 3 Oct 1952 Nairobi, possibly killed by Mau Mau
Last Date: 1952
Profession: Stabbed to death on the verandah of her husband's farm 10 miles outside Nairobi
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: Best, Stoneham - Mau, Barnes
General Information:
Stoneham - Mau - Mrs Margaret Wright, the wife of a postal official was the next victim. The Wrights lived in a Nairobi suburb in a house which, as is usual in these places, was concealed from its neighbours by an expanse of shrubs, grass and trees. Mrs Wright was discovered lying on the grass verge, whither she had crawled, with multiple injuries, including stab-wounds in the back. She had been dead for some hours, and no-one had seen a stranger, white or black, about the place.
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Margaret A. Wright, died 3 Oct 1952, aged 38 - First victim of Mau Mau