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Name: HOOPER, Douglas Arthur Lowndes (Rev.)

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Birth Date: 13.9.1862 Clapham, Surrey

Death Date: 3.1.1918 Highbury, London

Nationality: British

First Date: 1885

Profession: CMS missionary

Area: Uyui, Kahuhia, Jilore

Married: 1. At Portsea Island 4.12.1889 Edith Mary Baldrey b. 1864 Southsea, d. 9.10.1893 Jilore; 2. In Kilburn 25.10.1895 Dr. Elizabeth Mary Wells b. 1863 Clare, Suffolk, d. 3.12.1922 Highbury New Park, Middlesex

Children: Handley Douglas (2.2.1891 Freretown-3.4.1966 Cheltenham)

Book Reference: Fitzgerald, Passions, Watt, Bewes, Tignor, Tucker, North, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, CMS, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Foster, Red Book 1912, UJ

School: Harrow and Trinity Hall Cambridge BA

General Information:

Took the place of Dr & Mrs Crawford at Kahuhia when they moved on to Embu. CMS Missionary at Jelori Lake, 20 miles from Malindi in 1891 with his wife and a 7 month old baby. His wife died soon afterwards of fever.
Tucker - 1890 - Mombasa - Douglas Hooper had formed a plan for working on simpler and more economical lines than hitherto had been found practicable, or thought advisable. Pilkington, Baskerville and Cotter had joined him. Their idea was to break up new ground, and to advance, if possible as far as Ulu, in the Ukambani country, with a view ultimately of pushing on to the Lake, by what is now known as the Northern Road
Tucker - Mrs Edith Hooper - her saintliness and holiness of life impressed all with whom she came in contact. Her love and gentleness won the hearts of even the most unimpressionable.
North - Accepted as Hon. missionary; aged 23 dep. for EA 13/5/1885; Uyui 1886-7, opened mission at Nassa on Speke Gulf 1887-8; home leave - married; arr. Freretown with wife 24/2/1890; Ordained Deacon 1/6/1890 & Priest 30/11/1890 at Freretown; travelled to Uganda with Bishop A.R. Tucker; Jilore from June 1891; wife d. 9/10/1893 Jilore; remarried; Jilore 23/3/1896; Hooper sick, dep. Mombasa with wife 5/6/1900
CMS 1885 - Age 23. b. at Clapham, Surrey. Harrow Sch. Trinity Hall and Ridley Hall, Camb. BA 1883. Accepted  Jan 20 1885, as Hon. Missionary  to E. Eq. Africa. 1885, May 13 to E. Eq. Africa. Took out, at his own charges, Mr S. Burr, of Men's Night School, Mildmay, who died in Spet.; and afterwards Mr W. Taylor, also of Men's Night Sch., Mildmay, who returned to England in ill-health. 1886-7, Uyui; 1887-88, Nasa; 1889, May 7 to England; 1890, Jan 23 to E. Eq. Africa; 1890, June 1 Deacon; Nov 30 Priest by Bishop Tucker. 1890-91, Uganda; 1891-2 Jilore. m. 1890, Dec 4 Edith Baldey, who had been accepted by CMS for this Mission as a Lady Missionary, and proved a devoted and able helper in the Mission. She died at Jilore, Oct. 9, 1893
Red Book 1912 - D.A.L. Hooper - Fort Hall
Uganda Journal Vol 14 No 2 p. 220 - Letter from Emin - Rev Hooper was the Rev Douglas A.L. Hooper of the CMS who had previously been stationed at Nassa at the southern end of Lake Victoria. He had returned to Mombasa from England with a fresh party of missionaries (which included Pilkington) in February 1890.
Tignor has H.D. Hooper as CMS Missionary at Kahuhia.
Tucker - at Jilore in 1898

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