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Name: CATCHPOLE, Geoffrey 'Scratchit'
Birth Date: 1887 Brixton, London
Death Date: 8.3.1953 Nairobi
Nationality: Irish
First Date: 1908
Last Date: 1953
Profession: In EA he joined Fred Sewell on hunting safaris and later was a PWD official, stationed first at Fort Hall. He was responsible for building the road to Massina Mission some years later but then took up hunting once again, this time with Alan Cunningham
Area: Nairobi, PWD Official at Fort Hall
Married: In Ireland 21 Mar 1919 Elizabeth Mckee 'Paddy' Webster b. 1894 Antrim, d. 1971 Port Elizabeth, S. Africa. She was proprietress and nursing supt. at Alice Beaton Memorial Home
Children: Patsy, adopted (8 Apr 1945 Nairobi-1991 Johannesburg) (Agar)
Book Reference: Gillett, Irish, Hut, EAMR, Gazette, Bur, Red Book 1912
War Service: EAMR & KAR in WW1. Military Police in WW2. EAMR - A Sqdn. 10/8/14 - 1/5/15 - To I.D.
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