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Name: MAYNIER, Charles

Birth Date: ?6 Apr 1869 Albanie, Cape Province

Death Date: 15 Dec 1925 murdered, buried at Moyale

Last Date: 1925

Profession: Maynier, commanding the KAR, did not know that a mutiny was spreading among them. He was shot, by the light of his lamp, as he was reading under a tree at Moyale

Area: Moyale, Meru

Married: ?In Ermelo, Transvaal 29 Oct 1894 Engela Adriana Fourie b. 1873

Book Reference: Last Chance, Midday Sun, Lillibullero, Red 25, Hut, Red 22

General Information:

Midday Sun - 'Camped at Moyale was an elderly Afrikaner called Maynier who was engaged in buying Abyssinian horses. Four Somali askaris of the KAR decided to desert and, passing Maynier's tent, wantonly discharged their rifles through the canvas, hitting him in the stomach, chest and limbs. 'The deserters got away into the mountains and a patrol of other KAR Somalis who were sent after them refused to fire on them, so things weren't very nice,' Tich Miles wrote. 'I rode back swiftly 50 miles expecting to find a mutiny but things are quiet now .... It is very sad and depresses me awfully as I had got very fond of the old Dutchman, and why should they want to kill the old man who had nothing to do with them except from fanaticism, and the belief that killing any white man will take them straight to heaven ... I am afraid the poor old man died in awful agony, there was no doctor here and very little anyone could do.'                                                                                      
Lillibullero - Moyale - 1933 - stone raised above Charles Maynier, ...... on that it was stated that he had been murdered at Moyale on the 15th December 1925 ...... Maynier was a transport rider who had camped one night under some trees below the fort, and was shot, perhaps for no more than the fun of the thing, by the light of his own lamp, which was hanging from the branch of a tree.
Gazette - 3/2/1926 - Probate and Administration - Charles Maynier who died at Moyale on 15 December 1925
Red 25 has RQMS C. Maynier, KAR Meru

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