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Name: COLE, David Lowry MBE 6th Earl of Enniskillen
Nee: eldest son of The Hon Galbraith Lowry Egerton and Lady Eleanor Cole
Birth Date: 10 Sep 1918 Nairobi (Dr. Milne's house)
Death Date: 30 May 1989 Kinloch, Perthshire
First Date: 1918
Profession: Farmer; 1961 elected to the North Kenya Constituency. Provincial Commdt, Kenya Police Reserve (MBE)
Area: Elmenteita, Solio ranch Naro Moru, Laikipia
Married: 1. 31 July 1940 Sonia Mary Syers (div. 1955) b. 1918 London, d. 9 May 1982 London; 2. In Westminster, London 7 May 1955 Nancy Henderson MacLennan b. 14 Oct 1917 Bridgeport, Connecticut, d. 24 Feb 1998 Dunkeld. Perthshire
Children: Andrew John Galbraith (1942); Linda Mary (Muir) (1944)
Book Reference: Random, Over my Shoulder, Debrett, Who's Who, Kenton
War Service: Capt. Irish Guards in WW2
School: Kenton College - left 1926. Eton (1932-37), Trinity Coll. Cambridge
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