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Name: LINDSTROM, Ingrid
Birth Date: 10 Nov 1890 Eksjö, Jönköping, Sweden
Death Date: 13 Dec 1983 Nakuru
First Date: 1920
Profession: Nellie Grant's closest friends. Farmer
Area: 'Sergoita Farm', Njoro
Married: In Jönköping, Sweden 17 Apr 1911 Gillis Lindstrom (1882-1958)
Children: Nils Julius (14 Apr 1912 Skäne, Sweden); Harriet (Barnes then Geohegan) (Västra Ed, Sweden); Nina Ingrid (18 Oct 1915 Västra Ed); Ulla Viveka (Stjernswõrd) (15 May 1917 Västra Ed--28 Apr 1996 Kensington, London)
Book Reference: Nellie, Midday Sun, Markham
General Information:
Nellie - 'The Lindstroms at Sergoita were Nellie's closest friends. Because, no doubt, of their kind-heartedness, cheerful spirits and easy-going ways, they became a magnet for African squatter families who soon clustered round them in a feudal sort of way.'
Midday Sun - 'Ingrid possessed a quality hard to define; I would not call it placidity since that suggests a certain torpidness, and she was anything but that; her sense of humour was as lively as Nellie's and in her deep, slow, well-articulated voice she would deliver pungent comments which never crossed the border from shrewdness into spite. In all the ups and downs of life - and the Lindstroms had a good many downs - she remained calm, tolerant and good-humoured; I never saw her fly into a temper or give way to despair.
Both Fish and Ingrid had an easy-going outlook which they shared with Africans, so that a harmonious atmosphere prevailed on their farm. Perhaps too harmonious in one sense; Kikuyu families gathered there in numbers bringing their goats and cattle, so that their farm, not a large one, became overstocked. Also it came to be regarded as a sanctuary by those who, for one reason or another, did not want the eye of authority to be focused on them.
Markham - a good friend of Karen von Blixen.