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Name: SANDFORD, George Ritchie KBE, CMG, Sir

Birth Date: 9 Nov 1892 Scarborough, Yorks
Death Date: 17 Sep 1950 Nassau, Bahamas
First Date: 1915
Profession: Deputy head of the Treasury 1933. 1922 Private Sec. To Governor, Sir E. Northey
Married: In Croydon 3 Apr 1928 Charis Maude Melhuish b 7 Oct 1893 Bedminster, d. 23 Nov 1972 Westminster
Children: none
Book Reference: Midday Sun, O&C, Debrett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, Burke, Dominion, Foster, Red 19, Who's Who
School: Christ's Hospital and Queen's College, Cambridge
General Information:
A great help to Elspeth Huxley in her writing of 'White man's Country' with regard to access to files.
President of the Oxford & Cambridge Society - 1947.
Midday Sun - 'He nursed a good deal more impatience with Bureaucratic constipation than most of his colleagues, was interested in Kenya's history, and, most unusually, had edited the EA Standard for several years before returning to the Colonial Service. He had known and admired Delamere and thought that the full story should be told. I [Elspeth Huxley] remember him as a slightly built, sandy-haired man, bright eyed and with a twinkle, who gave out a bird-like sense of eagerness and interest in all that went on. Eventually he climbed the ladder to a minor governorship (Bahamas) and a knighthood.
KAD 1922 - Asst. District and Resident Commissioner, Nairobi
Red 25 - Editor-in-Chief, EA Standard. MA (Cantab); Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple), FRGS, FZS; Asst. DC EAP & Kenya Colony 1915-24; Private Secretary to Sir Charles Bowring, 1917-18, and to Major-General Sir Edward Northey 1919-22; Secretary to Malindi Commission 1916, Civil Service Commission 1918-19, and Economic and Financial Committee 1922-23
East Africa & Rhodesia - 21/9/50 - Sir George Ritchie Sandford, KBE, CMG, who died suddenly from a heart attack on Sunday in the Bahamas at the age of 58, had been in the Colonial Service in East Africa for most of his adult life, and it was in recognition of his work there that he was knighted and promoted, only a few months ago, to be Governor of the Bahamas. Born in Ambleside, Westmoreland, and educated at Christ's Hospital and Queens College, Cambridge, he went to Kenya (then the East African Protectorate) in 1915, as a cadet, but 9 years later resigned to become editor of a local newspaper. It was an experiment which lasted only a short time, and when it came to an end he read law and was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple.
Then he re-entered the Colonial Service on appointment as clerk to the legislative Council of Kenya in 1926. He became Deputy Treasurer in 1931, and was transferred to Tanganyika as Treasurer in 1936. Four years later he went to Palestine as Financial Secretary, but in 1944 returned to Tanganyika as Chief Secretary. Two years later he went back to Nairobi as Chief Secretary to the East African Governors' Conference, and when that body gave way in 1948 to the East African High Commission he was the first occupant of the new post of Administrator. In Tanganyika he had been chairman of the important pre-war Development Committee, and joint author (with the late Sir William Lee) of its admirable report, which set a model for all the other African territories.
An able, fair-minded man, he took pains to see a problem in its entirety, and there was widespread regret when he left for Jerusalem. The East African High Commission afterwards had in him a hard-working and devoted servant, who was determined, above all, perhaps, that it should not be accused of exceeding the powers with which it had been invested by the Legislatures of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. Lady Sandford with whom there will be deep sympathy, and he had many friends among all communities in East Africa
Dominion - 1930 - Clerk to Legco
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, South Area - George Ritchie Sandford - Civil Servant - Government House
Red Book 1919 - G.R. Sanford [sic] - Asst. District Commissioner
Gazette - 18/6/1924 - Honours - Order of the British Empire - Mr G R Sandford to be an Officer (Civil Division)