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Name: CHADWICK, Walter BA (Rev.)
Nee: bro of Jane Elizabeth Chadwick
Birth Date: 28 Sep 1874 Armagh
Death Date: 2.10.1917 Msindye. CWGC says 30 Sep
Nationality: British
First Date: 1901
Profession: Served with the CMS mostly at Mityana, Uganda. Appointed Archdeacon of Kavirondo, Uganda in 1915
Area: Mityana, Budaka, Uganda, 1901 CMS Butere
Book Reference: Gillett, Roome, Tucker, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, Drumkey, CWGC, EAHB 1906, UJ, CMS, Medals, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Anderson Church
General Information:
North - From Fulham, Arr. Bukedi to set up new mission Aug 1901; Dep. for England on medical certificate 24/10/1902; Mityana, Singo 1903
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Entebbe, Busiro
CWGC - Dar es Salaam War Cemetery - Chaplain W.E.A. Chadwick, East African Army's Chaplains' Dept. 30th September 1917. (Ven. Archdeacon of Kavirondo). 4.B.10
EAHB 1906 - Rev. H. Chadwick, Entebbe
Uganda Journal - Vol 22, p. 186 - Group photograph of Uganda officials November 1907.
CMS - 1901 - Age 26. Of Fulham, SW Born at Armagh. Trinity Coll. Dublin; BA 1898 and Div. Test. 1898 Deacon and 1899 Priest by Bp. Lond. Curate of St. Matthew's Fulham, SW 1900 May 15 Accepted as Missionary CMS; CM College 1901 Jun 9 Depart for Uganda Mission - Bukedi - Budaka. 1902 Oct 24 to England on medeical certif. 1903 April 7 to Singo - Mityana. Son of Bishop of Derry. Brother of Jane Elizabeth Chadwick
Medals - East African Chaplains' Department - Acting Chaplain
Anderson Church - Chadwick, a CMS Missionary, said bluntly that he did not like Africans to work on settler farms, since they were poorly fed, badly treated, and their home life disturbed.
Tucker - at Budaka in 1903 until his breakdown through fever.
EAHB 1905 - Mityana
Gazette - 12/6/1918 - Probate and Administration - Walter Chadwick, Chaplain late of Mumias who died at Msindye on 20th September 1917 - applied for by Jane Elizabeth Chadwick full sister of the deceased