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Name: CHAMBERLAIN, Robert Arthur Briggs

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Birth Date: 1865 Hull

Death Date: 4 Feb 1948 Oldobeye, Elmenteita

Nationality: British

First Date: 1902

Last Date: 1947

Profession: A farmer and writer, he was at one time Editor of the 'Leader'. Sir Charles Eliot gave him a land concession of 32,000 acres at Elmenteita which led to much controversy for many years. Gravestone at Nakuru says - 'Pioneer Settler of Kenya Colony'

Area: Elmenteita, Nakuru, Red 31 has R. Chamberlain, Box 969, Nairobi, Hut - 1902 Ol Debei Nderit, 1937 Macootha Est. Ruiru

Married: 1. In Tutbury, Staffs. 1909 Edith E. Siddalls b. 1886 Farnham; 2. Lavinia b. 1860, d. 19 Dec 1920 Elmenteita; 3. Janet Duncan Grant b. 24 Apr 1895, d. 9 Aug 1978 Spynie, Morayshire (buried in Nakuru) (prev. m. to William Grant Gordon 1899-1953)

Children: 1. Kenneth Fitzrafe (3 June 1891 Dulwich) 3. Francis (9 May 1934 Somerset-11 May 2000 Otley, Suffolk)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Leys, Permanent Way, Sorrenson, Cranworth, White Man, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, North, Playne, Drumkey, Land, Red 22, EAHB 1906, AJ, Gazette, Wolseley-Lewis, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Barnes

General Information:

SE - R. Chamberlain - Elmenteita - July 1907
HBEA 1912 - mentions Messrs Chamberlain & Keeling in connection with sheep farming.
Leys - One of the very earliest of settlers, Mr Robert Chamberlain, has indeed from timew to time spoken and written in frank protest against the subordination of the European community to the interests and dictates of a handful of specially rich and favoured people. He was always regarded as a truthful person but never had any following. (Leys then includes extracts from a letter to the EA Standard and uses it to further attack Lord Delamere. The other side appears in 'White Mans Country')  
Sorrenson - In 1903 Eliot had offered 2 S. Africans, Robert Chamberlain, an outspoken Rand journalist, and A.S. Flemmer freehold grants of 10,000 acres each. These offers were to prove an important factor in attracting the S. African settlers to the Protectorate ..... [cause of Eliot's resignation]   
White Man - 1908 - some of the up-country settlers, dissatisfied with the Colonist's Associations' policy, had broken away a few years back under the leadership of Mr Robert Chamberlain and formed the Pastoralists' Association at Nakuru. Dr. Atkinson became the first President. ......... Land dummying - the dummying charge against Delamere was first made by a fellow-settler, Mr Robert Chamberlain in a letter to the EA Standard, written in 1920 but referring to events of 10 or 15 years before. Delamere and Mr Chamberlain were political opponents of long standing who disagreed on almost every issue of importance. They had often attacked each other's views. ...... The substance of the letter was that Delamere had used his position as a public man to amass land. "As long as the Land Office would yield juice, his Lordship was there with insatiable powers of suction." it said. No concrete examples of dummying, however, were given. In 1924 part of this letter was published in a book written by a doctor who had retired from the Kenya medical service in 1918 - Dr Leys. Permission to quote from the letter was never asked. Mr Chamberlain was dismayed to find his remarks reproduced in a context which gave them a far more damaging significance than he had ever intended. Only those parts of the letter most derogatory to Delamere were quoted. This gave a false impression.
Playne - With the object of prospecting mineral land Mr Robert Chamberlain came to BEA in 1903 and eventually took up a farm of 32,000 acres on the Enderit River, Elmenteita. Two rivers of permanent water run through the property, which has timber enough for building and fencing purposes. Merino sheep, imported by Messrs Newland Tarlton & Co. Ltd. (drawn from the Murray flocks), were stocked, and a first lambing of 65% on ewes unacclimatised may be considered very good. ......... Farming was only begun on the property in 1908, owing to delay in the arrival of the title-deeds [!!!!!!!!!!] ........ Mr Chamberlain believes that he can get about 10,000 acres of land under cultivation with careful work. He has had no previous experience in farming, and is absolutely satisfied with the future, intending mainly to raise sheep and wheat.
Playne - Pastoralists' Association (Nakuru) - The idea of this association was first mooted by Messrs S. McCall and R. Chamberlain, and at a meeting a few days later the association was formed after a joint conference between them and Mr A.S. Flemmer. At a general meeting held at Nakuru on May 22, 1906, a constitution was agreed to, and Mr Flemmer was elected President and Mr Banks Secreatry and Treasurer.  At the annual meeting in 1907 Mr Chamberlain was elected President; Messrs S. McCall and Flemmer Vice-Presidents, while Mr Banks was re-elected as Secretary and Treasurer. At the annual meeting in 1908 Dr. Atkinson was elected President, Messrs S. McCall and F. Watkins Vice-Presidents, and Mr P.G. Thorne Secretary and Treasurer, vice Mr Banks, resigned.
Drumkey - Cattle Brand - V1C - Enderit River Estate, Elmenteita
Drumkey 1909 - Committee Member, The Colonists' Association of BEA
Land - R.A.B. Chamberlain leased 22109 acres at Nakuru, later 6637 acres passed to L.H. Keeling
Land - R.A.B. Chamberlain purchased Freehold 10000 acres at Nakuru
Land - 1908 - R. Chamberlain - Grazing, 32218.8 acres, Lake Nakuru, 23-7-08, Registered 28-12-08
Land - 1906 - R. Chamberlain - Building, 1 acre - Nakuru Township - 25 years lease from 1/9/1905 - Registered 31/1/1906
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands allotted and registered - R. Chamberlain, Endeuit [sic] River Estate, Elmenteita - Naivasha V1C
North - At Nairobi with Miss Pullinger, May 1903; Land Grant application (not granted) near Lake Nakuru 23-7-1903; With A.S. Flemmer seeking contract to supply Mombasa with water & rights to any coal found in area, Mombasa 25-8-1903; At Nairobi with Russell Bowker & A.S. Flemmer claiming to be representatives of a S. African entrepreneur called Pullinger, Oct. 1903; Farming at Elmenteita on the Enderit River later
Gazette - 18/2/14 - Partnership between Robert Chamberlain and W.H. Keeling dissolved 11/2/14
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Elmenteita - R. Chamberlain (British), Settler
Wolseley-Lewis - After WW2 - The farm I went to was called Macootha, which was owned by an old man Chamberlain, who had been a journalist in South Africa at the turn of the century. He had known Cecil Rhodes and Berni Benardo [sic] well and was mixed up in the Jameson Raid and had a lot of inside knowledge of those times and politics. He had retired to Naivasha and did not want the farm.
North - 'None of these gentlemen inspired me with absolute confidence' (Sir Charles Eliot, FO2) 'Nothing more than a shady journalist pressured by creditors' (Hobley, FO2)
Leader14 - Pastoralists Association - President
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - R.A.B. Chamberlain - Farmer - Elmenteita and Mrs Chamberlain - Elmenteita and Lavinia Chamberlain - Married - Elmenteita
Nakuru North cemetery - Robert Chamberlain, pioneer settler of Kenya Colony, to his beloved memory, died on his farm Elodobeye Elmenteita 4/2/1948 aged 83 years - fortiter et fideliter.
Nakuru North cemetery - Lavinia Chamberlain - wife of Robert Chamberlain died 19/12/1920 at Elmenteita aged 60 years - blessed are the pure in heart.
Nakuru North cemetery - also Janet Duncan his beloved wife - Pynie Moray - 9/8/1978 aged 81 - fidelitur
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Robert Arthur B. Chamberlain, Retired, Tehui Rd, Muthaiga and Janet Duncan Chamberlain, married woman, Muthaiga
Cambridge Univ Alumni at KING'S, Oct. 10, 1883. S. of James, of Hull. School, Trent College. Matric. Michs. 1883. Journalist in London. Engaged for two years as editor of the Manchester Evening Times (which was only published for 50 days) by the Manchester Examiner Co. Ltd., 1892; recovered £700 for wrongful dismissal, Apr. 1892.
Gazette 8 Dec 1938

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