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Name: BOURNIER, Henri
First Date: 1937
Profession: Resident of Lamu, a rich Swiss of Nestlé's fame
Area: Lamu
Book Reference: Midday Sun, Roy Griffin
General Information:
Roy Griffin - 'Swiss recluse who lived at Shela (his house is now the Peponi Hotel). He also had a house and farm at Witu where he experimented with bananas, grapefruits and mangoes etc. and also had a very good orchid collection. ...'
Midday Sun - re visit to Lamu in 1937 - our host was Henri Bournier, a middle aged Swiss of gentle manners, who lived at Shela, a crumbling village about 2 miles beyond Lamu town
Letter from Roy Griffin - Jun. 1998 - '.... He was a Moslem so had a mosque on the farm. During the Shifta the Police used the house as a Police Station. They also used the mosque as a Bar which so upset Burnier that he sold up and moved to Mombasa. He wanted the Witu property to become a centre for agricultural training especially for Moslems and this has eventually happened.'