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Name: CHAPMAN, Paul DSO (Capt.)
Nee: son of Sir Arthur Wakefield Chapman Kt.
Birth Date: 18.10.1878 Calcutta, India
Death Date: 18.11.1966 Fort Portal
First Date: 1909
Profession: Army, then first settler in the Cherangani Hills where he established a farm; he returned to farming after WW1; Algao Saw Mills (with George Montague Style)
Area: Cherangani Hills, HBEA 1912 - Sergoit, Uasin Gishu, 'Moori Ben' Farm, 1910 Nanyuki
Married: unmarried
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Midday Sun, KFA, Eldoret, Kinloch, Joelson, Lorimer, Debrett, Red 25, Hut, EAMR, Curtis, Red 22, Land, Gazette, DSO, Eton, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Fox Davies, Eton Obs, Red 19
War Service: Boer War; WW1 with EAMR - C Sqdn. 7/8/14 - 11/11/14 - Capt. 11/8/14, Roy. Fusiliers
School: Eton 1891-94
General Information:
SE - Captain P. Chapman DSO - July 1910
Midday Sun - 'Optimism is endemic in the pioneer mentality, and it was carried to extremes by one Paul Chapman who in 1910 started a market garden and poultry farm on the far side of a river that could only be reached, or the product taken out, by swinging across from the overhanging branches of trees. This must have led to a lot of cracked eggs.'
KFA - 'In 1910 the then Commissioner of Public Works, Mr G.K. Watts, reported that Captain Paul Chapman had established in the Cherangani Hills, and "on a large scale", and orchard, market garden and poultry farm which could be reached "only by crossing the river by means of the overhanging branches of trees". To produce eggs that could be conveyed to market only by imitators of Tarzan swinging from branch to branch seems optimistic even for those days..…..'
KFA - Present at 1922 meeting at Soy to discuss how best to form a co-operative society.
Eldoret - was famous for digging a very large hole where he lived near Karuna. When he didn't find water he took some planks and put them over the hole and it became a "choo", with a nice large cedar house over it eventually. He was celebrated in the district as having the longest long-drop! When he left the district and went to Uganda, his house was said to be half in the Congo and half in Uganda so that it became completely impossible to serve a writ on him.
Kinloch - Uganda - chose to live a lonely hermit's life in a remote mountain fastness high in the southern foot-hills of the Mountains of the Moon. One of Uganda's legendary 'characters', blessed with an inventive streak and a puckish sense of humour. A sparely built man of indeterminate age dressed in an old boiler suit. Took particular delight in pulling legs of Government officials. Served the author roast crowned crane, a fully protected species in a Uganda Protectorate chamber pot. Said the crane was molesting his chickens. Law said he could kill it if he delivered it to the Game Dept. He was delivering it!
Lorimer - author stayed in the Uasin Gishu at 'Moori Ben' Farm with Capt. Chapman - he was a capital host; his adventures would fill a book, for he had seen a great deal of fighting in West Africa, and had travelled all over the world ...... is the most energetic, hard-working man I ever met …
Debrett - entered Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.) 1900, and became Capt. 1908; retired 1910; served in S. Africa 1899-1902, present at operations In Transvaal and Orange River Colony (Queen's medal with 3 clasps, King's medal with 2 clasps) with Chibuk Expedition 1906-7 (despatches, medal with clasp, DSO), and in E. Africa 1914-16 (despatches); sometime employed with W. African Frontier Force
Curtis - p. 96 - Uasin Gishu - '..... A few adventurous white settlers - three Van Breda brothers from South Africa, F.A. Arnoldi, Cecil Hoey and Paul Chapman were among them - began simple farming operations, far from markets or permanent settlements, in the first years of the century
Red 22 - Honorary Permit Issuer - Farm No. 1489, Uasin Gishu
Land - 1911 - Capt. P. Chapman - Grazing and agricultural, 7311.28 acres - Uasin Gishu - 1/12/09 - Under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/7/10 - Registered 11/5/11
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Uasin Gishu Plateau - Capt. P. Chapman DSO, Farm No. 1489
Gazette - 26/8/1914 - Appt. - Captain P. Chapman, DSO, Volunteer Forces, East Africa Mounted Rifles, to be Captain, to date August 11th 1914
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - Permitted to resign his appointment to date 11th November 1914
DSO - created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (London Gazette 13/3/1908) - "Paul Chapman, Lieut., the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.) (employed with the West African Frontier Force). In recognition of his services with the Chibuk Expedition, Northern Nigeria." He became Captain 17/8/1908 and retired in 1910. Capt. Chapman served during the European War in East Africa 1914-16, and was Mentioned in Despatches.
Red Book 1912 - P. Chapman - Uasin Gishu
Gazette 15/8/1913 - Dissolution of Partnership - Notice is hereby given that the partnership which has for some time past been carried on by Paul Chapman and George Montagu Style under the style or firm of the Algao Saw Mills at Uasin Gishu, Naivasha Province in the trade or business of timber merchants, saw mills proprietors and timber growers was this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Plateau North - Paul Chapman - Settler - Trans Nzoia
Red Book 1919 - Permit Issuer - Naivasha - Capt. P. Chapman, Farm No. 1,489, Uasin Gishu
KFA - Bought T model Ford in Dar es Salaam and drove it to the Uasin Gishu, as did Messrs. Cole and Styles, also of Sergoit.
Nat Probate Calendar
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