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Name: LEWIN, Patrick William 'Pat'

Nee: elder son of Brig.-Gen. Arthur Corrie Lewin CB, CMG, DSO
Birth Date: 31 Dec 1903 Belfast
Death Date: 1 July 1965 Nairobi
First Date: 1932
Profession: Farmer
Area: 1932 Murimani Molo, 1930 Koru, 1925 Tetanon Estate Koru, Kanda Kamu, Njoro
Married: 1. Aileen Elizabeth Margaret Bowes b. 12 Apr 1908 Edmonton; 2. In Nairobi 17 Aug 1949 Vera Mary Maclean b. 1908, d. 4 Oct 1994 Nairobi
Children: Gillian Norah Elizabeth (24 Apr 1933-8 Aug 2001) (Reynolds); Barbara Anne (19 Mar 1936); Thomas Frederick William (11 Dec 1940)
Book Reference: Over my Shoulder, Sitrep 2, Red 31, Hut, Year Book, Air, Eton
School: Eton 1917-21
General Information:
Year Book - 1953 - Steward of the Jockey Club of Kenya - P.W. Lewin
Air - Royal Aero Club Aviator's Certificate No. 16083 dated 23 Jul 1938 - Avro Cadet - Genet Major - 140, North of Ireland Aero Club
Hut has Capt. P.H. 'Pat' Lewin
Gazette 6 Dec 1938, Rift Valley Voters List with Phyllis Mary Noel [his mother]
Close friends of Tony and Molly Ryan.
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 748).
Gazette 3 Aug 1965 probate
Gazette 16 Nov 1979 1st wife's probate