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Name: BAGNALL, Stephen Frederick
Birth Date: 1.2.1881 St Pancras, London
Death Date: 28.4.1904 Kikuyu
Nationality: British
First Date: 1902
Last Date: 1904
Profession: Trader
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: KFA, Binks, Percival, Land 1903, North, Gazette, EAHB 1904, Barnes
General Information:
Binks - 1900 - .. a friendly fellow with twinkling eyes and an infectious laugh, smoked pungent black cigars. He had been discharged from the Navy after an accident which had left him with one hand useless. ..... a lion ate him within a few weeks of our landing in EA. ......... Binks returned to Kikuyu ... from Kiambu ... Bagnall decided to go further out in the direction of Fort Hall. Two days later the news came through to the mission that a Mr S.F. Bagnall had been killed in his tent by a lion.
Percival - trader named Bagnall, and the chief of the village told us he was killed during the second night of his stay. Fear of the man killer drove Bagnall's boys to pass the night in the village, the man himself disdaining to leave his camp. When the boys returned in the morning they found everything in disorder the back of the tent torn, and their master nowhere to be seen. Search was made and the body was discovered under some bushes about 50 yards away [Leopard] - (Chania River)
Land Grant 1903 - 'Messrs Bagnall and Black - Agricultural & Grazing, about 160 acres, and preempted land about 480 acres - Kikuyu - Jan 1st - Freehold in accordance with homestead rules.
North - has Stephen Frederick. Land Grant application with A. Black, Kikuyu, 1-1-1903.
Gazette - Issued with Bird Licence at Mombasa during semester ending 30/6/1902
North - Killed by lion at camp on Thika River between Nairobi & Fort Hall, remains (Head & shoulders) buried at Church of Scotland Mission - 'in a small packing case branded "48 hour butter, keep cool"' (McGregor-Ross, RH) Kikuyu 28-8-1904
EAHB 1904 - Masai-Land District Residents - Bagnall, S. - Waweru, Kikuyu
May be buried in Nairobi South cemetery in unidentified grave.
Ancestry Family tree has him as Stephen Frederick Bagnall b. 27 Mar 1881 St Pancras, d. 14 Aug 1904 Nairobi forest.