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Name: SUTTON, George James
Nee: nephew of John James Toogood
Birth Date: 19 Feb 1892 Port Alfred, S. Africa
Death Date: 10 May 1961 Umzinto, Natal
First Date: 1922
Profession: Managed and eventually inherited the estate of J. J. Toogood
Area: Nakuru, 1909 Fairfield Nakuru
Married: 1. In Port Alfred, Cape Province 27 Apr 1924 Jean Iris Hockey b. 1894 Port Alfred; 2. In Durban 27 June 1949 Madeleine Violet Wroughton née Rymer
Children: Jean (1926); John Charles (3 Mar 1927 Cape Town); Frank (1929)
Book Reference: KFA, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Red 22, Rift Valley, Gazette
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - C Sqdn. 5/11/15 - To EASC
General Information:
' ... There is no doubt the Suttons had a tough time. He was recognised locally as a really good farm manager but it was seldom, I think, that Toogood acknowledged this. .......... in 1949. By then, I think, the general impression was that Sutton who had "put up with" quite a bit, would stay on with Toogood until he died. Presumably he had been told he would inherit the farm ............' excerpt from letter from R.G. Ridley - 1995
Red 22 - G.I. Sutton, S.M. & Co., Kilindini ? AND J.G. Sutton, Nakuru
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 9 Mar 1912 - G.J. Sutton
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - J.G. Sutton - Farmer - Nakuru ?
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List