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Name: SHARP, Charles Cecil Tristan
Birth Date: 29 Nov 1896 London, bapt 29 Nov
Death Date: 17 Mar 1953 Kuala Lumpur, Malayan
First Date: 1921
Profession: Plant inspector, botanist
Area: Mombasa, 1930 Nairobi
Married: In Rowde, Wiltshire b. 4 Aug 1894 Devizes, d. 1974 Hyndburn, Lancs.
Children: Victor Percy (19 June 1922 Hampstead-29 May 2007)
Book Reference: KFA, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Red 22, Gazette
War Service: Duke of Cambridge's Own
School: Malvern Coll.
General Information:
Red 22 - C.C.F. Sharp, Agric. Dept., Mombasa
Gazette 27/7/1921 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Plant Inspector - 18/7/1921
KFA - Delegate to the Maize Conference of 1923 [photo].
KAD 1922 - Plant Import Officer, Agricultural Dept., Mombasa.
Red 25 - Grader & Inspector, Agric. Dept.
Died when working at Rubber Research Institute, Malaya
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