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Name: BAILLIE, John Crause
Birth Date: 27 July 1838 Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape, S. Afria
Death Date: 7 August 1907 Queenstown, Cape Colony
First Date: 1905
Last Date: 1905
Profession: Appointed as one of the first three unofficial members of the Legislative Council in July 1905. Died in South Africa a few days before the Council met and Mr Arthur Alexander Baillie was appointed in his place.
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Cradock, Cape Colony 18 May 1863 Augusta Miller b. 1844
Children: Margaret Campbell (Lange) (6 Feb 1864 Grahamstown)
Book Reference: Permanent Way, Hut, Drumkey, Land, Advertiser, Gazette, North
General Information:
Land - J.C. Baillie leased 10281 acres at Nakuru later passed to R. Edmondson
Land - 1907 - J.C. Bailie, Building 4.07 acres, Parklands, 10-9-04, Registered 3-5-07
Land - 1907 - J.C. Bailie - Grazing, 9910 acres, Segeri River, 2-8-04, Registered 20-5-07
Advertiser - 18/12/08 - Solai - It was after visiting this valley that the late Mr J.C. Bailie [sic], some 4 years ago, decided to settle ……. Now homesteads occupied chiefly by Boers, although owned by Englishmen, are seen scattered in different directions.
Gazette 15/8/1907 - Obituary - It is with the deepest regret that His Excellency the Governor has received the sad news of the death at the Cape on the 7th instant of the Honourable Mr J.C. Baillie, lately appointed member of the Legislative Council of East Africa.
Gazette 15/7/1908 - Application for Administration by Augusta Baillie of the will of John Crause Baillie, late of Queen's Town, Cape Colony deceased.
North - Has Bailie. Settler's Game Licence 16-6-1904; at Nairobi 1-9-1904; arr. Mombasa from Lourenço Marques 13-12-1904; Listed as new member of the Settlers' Association, Nairobi 14-1-1905; Landholder's Game Licence, Ukamba Dist. July-Sept 1905.
FindaGrave In Queenstown Municipal cemetery