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Name: NORTHEY, Edward GCMG, CB (Major-General), Sir

Nee: related to Sir C.J. Honywood Bt. Eldest son of Rev. Edward William Northey
Birth Date: 28 May 1868 Cockerham, Lancashire
Death Date: 25 Dec 1953 Goring on Thames
First Date: 1919
Last Date: 1922
Profession: Governor of EA Protectorate 1919 - 22. A distinguished soldier who had commanded the Nyasa-Rhodesia Field Force during the last two years of the GEA Campaign in WW1
Married: In Wynberg, S. Africa 30 Apr 1897 Anna Evangeline Cloete, of Newlands, S. Africa b. 1872 Newlands, d. 3 Jan 1941 Lambourn, Berks.
Children: Florence Evangeline Cloete (Clowes/Martin/Crofton) (17 Mar 1898 Wynberg, S. Africa-7 Mar 1942 Kenya); Renee Muriel (Lady Beaumont) (24 Dec 1902 Wynberg-28 Nov 1987 Newbury, Berks.); Isabel Frances (Newton) (7 Mar 1907 Winchester-17 July 1960 Salisbury, S. Rhodesia); Edward George Vernon (9 May 1910 Hythe-12 June 1988 Malmesbury); Rudolf William Anson (1912)
Book Reference: Permanent Way, Debrett, Oscar, Lytton, Markham, Joelson, White Man, KAD, Colonial, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, Nicholls, Burke, Eton, Mills, Chandler, Red 19
War Service: King's Royal Rifle Corps
School: Eton 1882-85 and Royal Military College, Sandhurst
General Information:
A soldier who expected his orders to be obeyed.
Permanent Way - Towards the end of 1919 he unluckily lost an eye playing polo at Nairobi. ...
On August 15th 1922, it was announced that Sir Edward Northey had been recalled, on the grounds that the reasons which had dictated the appointment of a Military Governor no longer pertained. Mr Winston Churchill's letter of recall, which was published in the Press, aroused suspicions that it was intended to submit proposals for a solution of the Indian controversy on lines which were known to be contrary to General Northey's convictions. ........
The departure of Sir Edward Northey was greatly regretted by the settlers, and at first there was some anxiety lest his successor take a different line in regard to the Indian controversy, which at the time dominated all other political issues. Any fears that existed soon proved groundless.
Lytton - 'I want to say a word about Northey, the Governor whose Kenya was the one I first came to know. One of his successors, Sir Edward Grigg, writes Northey off as only a military stop-gap who did nothing of importance, but there is an authority of greater consequence in Mrs Elspeth Huxley ....... Elspeth is no less shrewd about Governors, and she has them all lined up without holding her punches; Northey is the "dapper monocled and autocratic herald". Someone else is a "hard-drinking bachelor", and another is "flannel-foot", who believed in "pacification by gramophone". ..…..
The difficulties facing Sir Edward Northey were immense. Perhaps even now their extent has not been realised. His achievement in reconstructing the country from top to bottom, pulling it together and placing it on a sound financial footing, all in less than 4 years was a remarkable piece of administration. The next few years were, perhaps, the most eventful and significant in the history of the Protectorate.
In Sir Edward Northey's short regime 7 major steps of lasting importance were taken. A new Legislative Council was set up with elected members representing the settler and commercial communities. The ex-soldier settlement scheme was launched, and, in spite of set-backs, acknowledged to be the most successful post war settlement project in the Empire. The Protectorate graduated to Crown Colony status in June 1920. "The railway was completely reorganised, its finances were separated from those of the Protectorate, Uganda's well-justified grievances were removed and the railway system was placed on a business footing under the control of an inter-colonial council. The first big loan was raised and out of it a new railway built and harbour works begun. The Civil Service was reorganised and the rates of pay raised so as to place them on equal terms with other Colonial services. The Budget was balanced and swollen expenditure drastically cut so as to bring the country's coat within the measure of its cloth. There is more of it and the odd thing is that it should need to be repeated, but Sir Edward Grigg's summary dismissal calls for this reminder. ..…..
Up to the time of General Northey as Governor, the settlers had been treating the official class in Nairobi as something very nearly untouchable! Northey did a number of good things which later Governors - in particular Sir Edward Grigg - have affected to treat with some contempt, and among them he broke down this barrier.
Markham - Evangeline was a flamboyant and beautiful South African. Beryl Markham once dragged him by the seat of his pants all the way across the dance floor.
Joelson - 1928 - Mombasa - deep water quays ...... stand as a monument to the perseverance and energy of Sir Edward Northey
White Man - June 1918 - appointed ...... a dapper, monocled and autocratic man ....... The next 5 years were probably the most eventful and significant in the history of the Protectorate. In Sir E. Northey's short regime 7 major steps of lasting importance were taken - 1. A new Legislative Council was set up with elected members representing the settler and commercial communities. 2. The ex-soldier settlement scheme was launched - very successful. 3. The railway was completely reorganised and placed on a sound business footing. 4. The first big loan was raised and out of it a new railway built and harbour works begun. 5. The civil service was reorganised and the rates of pay raised. 6. The budget was balanced and swollen expenditure drastically cut. 7. The office of Chief Native Commissioner was created and most of the reserves were demarcated. ......... Three shadows fell across the political life of the Colony in the same period - 1. Disastrous stabilisation of the exchange rate. 2. An acute labour shortage. 3. The Indian question. ......... At the end of 1919 Sir Edward had the misfortune to lose an eye playing polo in Nairobi ...... Aug. 15th 1922 - Sir Edward was suddenly recalled by telegram without previous warning, on the grounds that the circumstances which required the appointment of a military Governor no longer obtained. The inference that he had to go because it was proposed to force on the country a policy of which he was known to disapprove and which he had prophesied would lead to serious trouble was too strong to be resisted ..... (Wood-Winterton plan)
Debrett - Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. (retired) King's Roy Rifle Corps; Hazara Expedition 1891 (medal with clasp), Miranzai Expedition 1891 (clasp, Isazai Expedition 1892, S. Africa 1899-1902, present at battle of Talana, defence of Ladysmith, and operations in Transvaal, Orange River and Cape Colonies (despatches twice, Queen's medal with 5 clasps, King's medal with 2 clasps), European War 1914-16 Comdg. 1st Batn. of his Regt. and as Brig.-Gen. Comdg. 15th Inf. Brig. (twice wounded, despatches, Brevet Col., ADC to HM, French Legion of Honour), German E. Africa 1916-18, Comdg. Nyasa-Rhodesian Field Force (promoted Maj.-Gen. for distinguished services in the field, despatches several times); was Com.-in-Ch. British EA Protectorate (now Kenya Colony), High Commr., Zanzibar 1918-22, and commanded 43rd Wessex Div. (TA) and S-W Area 1924-26; is Com. Mil. Order, Order of Aviz (Portugal), and has 1st class Brilliant Star of Zanzibar.
East Africa & Rhodesia - 7/1/54 - Obituary
Red 22 - President, Kenya Old Etonian Association
Red 22 - President, Nairobi Polo Club
Nicholls - A delightful man with no liking for protocol and ceremony, Northey kept a zoo of wild animals in the Government House grounds and let his wife raise chickens in the attics. In contrast to the Government House of the past, his period of office saw a round of brilliant parties, frequently enlivened by the appearance at dinner of cheetahs under the table. He failed to make provision for his zoo when he left and his successor complained about the considerable expense of feeding the animals. Eventually London zoo took most of them, though Northey, by now a private resident in Kenya ('I can promise that I shall never embarrass you by any political discussion or statement of opinion'), asked whether his successor wished to keep the lions and 2 leopards. After the Northeys left the Medical Officer of Health had to inspect Government House because Lady Northey had never cleaned out the attics, now deep with chicken droppings. …….. The settlers …. remembered Lady Northey dancing with abandon on one of the tables at the Muthaiga Club, and called her daughter 'Careless Flo'.
Mills - A deeply religious man, Northey always opened each Legislative Council meeting with a prayer. At one meeting in 1921 he stood up and began "Oh Lord …." and Delamere rose from his seat and bowed. Then Northey continued "…. God Almighty", and then Grogan stood up and bowed ….. !
Barnes - Founder Member of Lodge Ruiru by reason of their contributions to the formation of the Lodge. However, never became a member
Red Book 1919 - East Africa Turf Club - Nairobi - Patron and Steward
W.A. Kempe diary October 1919 The Governor playing polo in an eyeglass got hit in the eye & had to have his eye removed & goes home to get a glass one.
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