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Name: O'FLAHERTY, Philip (Rev.)

Birth Date: 1836

Death Date: 21 July 1886 Red Sea, on board the ship Lalpoora on the way home

First Date: 1881

Last Date: 1885

Profession: CMS missionary

Married: In Ballina, Ireland 1858 Sarah Ann Jane Brannigan d. 12 Feb 1901

Book Reference: Watt, Tucker, CMS

General Information:

Watt - 'This venerable man was a convert from the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. With his long flowing beard, and dressed in multi-coloured pants and jacket, which had been patched by his own hands, he looked like a veritable "king of the wilderness". ...... He was voluble, blunt and outspoken, but one who had a place very near to his heart for the work of God and the Kingdom of Christ in Africa. He brought a good deal of life and sunshine wherever he went. In him the ingenuous Celtic spirit was ever manifest. ..…..
On his way home he had a severe malarial attack and died on board ship and was buried in the Red Sea.
Watt - called on the Watts at Mamboia when returning home from Uganda on furlough.
CMS 1880 - Age 44. Of Killala, Co. Mayo. 6 years a lay Missionary in Turkey, at first in connexion with the Free Church of Scotland, and later with the CMS University of Edinburgh and St. Aidan's, Birkenhead. 1868 Deacon and 1869 Priest by Bishop of Chester. 1868 Curate of St. John's Liverpool; 1868-72 St. Simon, Liverpool; 1874-77 Shadforth, Durham; 1877-79 Gateshead-on-Tyne; 1879-80 St. John's, Deptford. 1880, July 2  to E. Eq. Africa - Uganda - Mission; 1885, Dec left Uganda for England; 1886, July 21, died on board ship in the Red Sea on voyage home. Service 6 years. Married when accepted; wife survived him and died 1901, Feb 12.
CMS Archives - G/Y A5/1/6 - Journal of Philip O'Flaherty 1880-1885 - Philip O'Flaherty was accused of violence, lying and theft. Included is his account of events and letters to the General Secretary in his defence plus reports on the work of the mission.
Tucker - CMS Missionary - arrived in Uganda in 1881
Scotland National Probate Index

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