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Name: BLACKBURN, Joseph (Rev.)
Birth Date: 1859 Leeds
Death Date: 1888 Usambiro
First Date: 1882
Last Date: 1888
Profession: CMS Missionary at the South end of Victoria Nyanza
Married: In Finsbury Park 14 July 1886 Sarah Jane Higgins b. 1854 Hackney
Book Reference: Watt, Tucker, CMS
General Information:
Watt - 1885 - 'It was with much joy, therefore that we welcomed the arrival of Mr Blackburne, who had been working among the 'Wasukuma' at the south end of Lake Victoria Nyanza. When he reached our station, he presented the appearance of a man who had got hold of Joseph's coat of many colours. In those early days in Central Africa it was not possible to travel with a very large wardrobe; and owing to the wear and tear of the rough life in marching through the jungle , one's clothing became worn out very soon. Everyone had to turn tailor and shoemaker occasionally, and the result was not always very artistic. It was not an unusual thing to see a Missionary with a dark coloured jacket and pants, patched with pieces of calico or some other material of various colours. Mr Blackburne was longing to get home, and only stayed with us one night, and then passed on his way to the coast. On his return to Africa after furlough he travelled up-country with the newly-appointed Bishop Parker (Hannington's successor). They had only arrived at the south end of the lake when Blackburne was prostrated with severe fever, and without much premonitory sign of death he suddenly fell asleep in Jesus. ............. Immediately afterwards the Bishop himself took seriously ill with fever, and so rapid was the course of the disease that in 48 hours he, too, had succumbed to this malignant scourge of tropical Africa.'
CMS 1882 - Age 23. Of Hunslet, Leeds. Assist. Master at Tollington Park Coll. 1879, Prep. Instn. and 1880 CM Coll. 1882, May 1 Deacon by Bishop Perry for Bishop of London. 1882, May 17 to E. Eq. Africa Mission - Uyui. 1886, Mar 17 to England; 1887, April 13 to E. Eq. Africa. 1887, June 26 Priest at Kisulitini by Bishop Parker. 1888, one of Bishop Parker's party to the Lake; Mar 2 died at Usambiro. Married 1886, July 14 Sarah Jane Higgins