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Name: ELLIOT, George Francis Scott FRGS
Birth Date: 5 Jan 1862 Calcutta
Death Date: 20 June 1934 Dumfriesshire
First Date: 1893
Profession: Botanist
Area: EAHB 1906 Nairobi
Married: Apr 1896 Anne Hathorn Johnson-Stewart b. 26 Aug 1865, d. 25 July 1947 Castle Douglas
Children: Edith May (28 June 1878 Wisconsin-13 Dec 1904 Wisconsin); Annie Emilia (d. 25 Aug 1927)
Author: 'A Naturalist in Mid-Africa' 1896
Book Reference: Watt, EAHB 1906, North
War Service: King's Own Scottish Borderers
General Information:
EAHB 1906 - S. Elliott
North - Scientist, member of a Royal Society expedition to study the natural history of the Ruwenzori, arr. Zanzibar from London 25-10-1893; arr. Mombasa from Zanzibar 1-11-1893; Dep. Mombasa up-country 9-11-1893; dep. Kikuyu 14-12-1893; arr. Lake Victoria 11-1-1894; At Kampala 6-2-1894; Dep. Zanzibar for London via Cape Town 19-1-1895
Watt - 1893 - 'We found at Machakos fort Mr Scott Elliott, an eminent scientist, ... awaiting the arrival of our caravan, so that they might join forces with us on the most hazardous part of their journey.'
Web - Son of a Scottish merchant, James Scott-Elliot (-1880) of Calcutta, his surname is variously misinterpreted and commonly cited as 'Scott Elliott'. He worked as a botanist mainly in Africa and was employed on the French and English Delimination Commission of the Sierra Leone Boundary (1891-1892), also participating on the British East Africa Expedition or Ruwenzori Expedition (1893-1894). Scott-Elliot became a lecturer in Botany at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow (1896-1904) and was President of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. The genus Scottellia Oliv. in the Flacourtiaceae and many species including Millettia scott-elliotii Dunn, Ficus scott-elliottii Mildbr. & Burret and Bulbophyllum elliotii Rolfe were named after him.
Cambridge Univ Alumni pens. at TRINITY, Oct. 8, 1879. S. of James, of Blackwood, Dumfriess-shire. B. Jan. 5, 1862, at Dumfries. School, Brighton (private). Matric. Michs. 1879; B.A. 1883; M.A. 1886. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (Capt., King's Own Scottish Borderers, T.F. Res.; Order of the Nile, 4th Class). (Univ. War List.)