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Name: BLOCK, Jack Yaakov
Nee: son of Abraham Lazarus Block
Birth Date: 28 Sep 1916 Nairobi
Death Date: 31 Mar 1983 Mihue-Rio, Chile, boating accident
First Date: 1916
Last Date: 1983
Profession: Hotelier
Area: Longonot farm on south shore of Lake Naivasha. Hut - Prospect Farm Elmenteita
Married: 1945 Doria Beiles b. Oct 1925 (dau of Harry Louis Beiles)
Children: Jonathan David; Linda; Elizabeth (adopted)
Book Reference: Jane Clare Barsby 'Abraham's People', Gallmann, Sitrep 2, Who's Who, Hut, Who's Who 63, Glimpses, Web
War Service: 4 KAR - Major
School: Kenton College, Loughborough College 1929-33
General Information:
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 16)
Who's Who - Dir. Block Hotels Ltd., Block Estates Ltd., Ker & Downey Safari Ltd., Pres. Hotel Assoc. of EA for past 4 years
Who's Who 63 - United Africa Co. 1934-39; Chairman and Managing Director of Block Estates Ltd., Block Hotels Ltd., Ker Downey & Selby Safaris Ltd; Chairman Board of Management Princess Elizabeth Hospital Nairobi; Vice Pres. EA Tourist Travel Assoc., past President Nairobi Rotary Club
Who's Who 1954 - Dir. Block Hotels Ltd., and Block Estates Ltd.; Pres. Hotel Assoc. of East Africa for past 4 years; Exec. Mem. Tourist Assoc., Hospital Assoc. and Hotel Assoc.
Glimpses - Charles Njonjo said - "Jack [Block] was a Kenyan, uncompromising and unpatronising; not merely because he had a Kenya Passport, or indeed because he had been born here, but because of his profound affinity with us as a people, with our aspirations and our humanity. I often wondered if it was his unmistakable Jewishness - an identity he was able to combine with almost childlike pleasure and confidence with his Kenyanness - if I can put it that way. I often wondered if it was his unmistakable Jewishness which gave him this very special affinity with us. He was sensitive to racial consciousness, understood its fundamental importance and its essential simplicity. He was able to identify with the hurt left by racial oppression. He knew the sometimes frightening strength of ethnic feeling; he knew what it was to be considered a member of an inferior race and to be exploited. He understood what freedom, opportunity and security really mean to those once deprived of self respect. And he loved us in spite of all these complexities. He made his home in our land and in our hearts."
Web - President of Nairobi Rotary Club - 1961-62
Mills Norfolk - Handsome of feature, fastidious of dress, Jack was gregarious by nature but home-loving, a connoisseur of the arts and fine food, numbering among his friends worl-famous artists and authors. He himself enjoyed bird-shooting and was a good shot but, with the increasing universal trend towards viewing and photographic safaris in preference to hunting, he became a forceful supporter of wildlife protection and conservation of the environment. He was vice-chairman of the World Wildlife Fund (Kenya) and an active and generous supporter of multiple other wildlife and conservation causes in terms of both finance and personal effort. He was an enthusiastic golfer, a good clubman and a good sport. Jack's charismatic personality and widespread circle of clients, friends and business associates worldwide, ensured that they not only patronised his hotels and game lodges themselves but spread their reputation abroad. .….…. {more}
Gazette 9 Dec 1983 probate