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Name: MAY, James Rowe 'Jimmy'

Birth Date: 1903 Kingston, Surrey

Death Date: Durban

First Date: 1925

Profession: Kenya Police - 1938. Inspector, Kenya Police in 1939, appointed 1938. Originally Constable 1925

Area: Songhor, Nakuru 1939

Married: 1. Mary; 2. In Petersfield 1947 Ines Marjorie Hastings Bostock b. 1919 Faversham

Book Reference: Habari 16, Staff 39, Ruiru, Murders, Dominion, Max Hutton

General Information:

Dominion - Assistant Inspector of Police - 1930
Habari 16 - Songhor - Jimmy May was in charge. He married while he was there ….. This marriage didn't last. Mary was remarried to a Royal Navy Commander. ………. Jimmy later remarried and had a small farm at Mitubiri in the Thika area. He fell down dead in the middle of Durban ……..
Gazette - 9/12/1925 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Police Constable - J.R. May
Balwant Rai - Prosecution witness at the trial of Balwant Rai and others - 1942 - Chief Inspector, Kenya Police
He was one of the first policeman to attend the car in which Lord Erroll lay murdered.
1948 - he was running the sports goods store in Government Road, Nairobi, which sold guns etc and arranged curing of big game skins. He may also have run his own car business in Nairobi.

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