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Name: DESREAUX, Harold Eugene
Birth Date: 12 July 1908 St Mary, Jersey
Death Date: 28 Mar 1935 Yala, blackwater fever
First Date: 1931
Profession: European Police Constable, Kenya Police in 1931
Book Reference: Habari 27
General Information:
Habari 27 - KPR 1931 - EPC Morant was transferred for temporary duty to Naivasha. Asst. Inspector Grant of Naivasha is sick in Nairobi Hospital …….. EPC Desreaux has relieved EPC Morant as Inspector for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Gazette 4 June 1935 - probate
Kisumu cemetery - in memory of a brother officer Asst. Insp. H.E. Desreau who died at Yala River March 28th 1936, RIP.
Info from Tom Lawrence 1929 joins Kenya Police as Asst Inspector. Plays for police rugby club. 1933 on leave. 1934 appointed Claim Inspector under the Mining Ordinance 1933.
Nat Probate Calendar
Nat Probate Calendar