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Name: CLOETE, Christiaan Johannes
Birth Date: 3 Dec 1857 Ladysmith, S. Africa
Death Date: 2 July 1912 Eldoret, gastritis
Nationality: Dutch SA
First Date: 1908
Last Date: 1912
Profession: He arrived first with the '1908 Trek', then returned and brought the second trek in 1911. Farmer. KAD 1922 - C.L. Cloete was the first elected Legco member for the Plateau with Capt. A.C. Hoey.
Area: Eldoret
Married: In Bethlehem, Free State, S. Africa 4 Apr 1882 Anna Magdalena Bruwer b. 22 May 1865 S. Africa, d. 2 June 1944 Eldoret
Children: All born in S Africa, see below
Book Reference: Gillett, KFA, Eldoret, Hut, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Habari 2009, Gazette
General Information:
KFA - He chartered a Norwegian boat, the 'Skvamstad'. Two special trains conveyed the settlers and their livestock to Durban. This time [unlike the 1908 trek] they brought cattle with them: 120 head, together with 800 sheep and 100 horses. There were 60 colonists in this party, and a number of wagons. They had an adventurous voyage. The ship struck a reef off Mozambique; she was refloated, but with damaged water tanks, and by the time they reached Kilindini there was nothing to drink. 3 special trains took men, women, children and livestock to Londiani where they started their trek up the now familiar rutted wagon-road to the embryonic township of Eldoret.
Eldoret - The copies of his obituary notices speak for themselves - July 1912 - "With the deepest regret I have to report the death of Mr C.J. Cloete, which occurred at his farm on July 2nd, the cause of death, I understand being gastric fever. The loss to the plateau is great. Mr Cloete was one of the most optimistic and enthusiastic settlers in the country. He believed in BEA and proved his belief by adopting it, heart and soul. He was responsible for a great part of the settlement of this area, and for the importation of much of the best stock. A rich man, well known in the South, he succeeded in inducing many useful settlers to follow his example when he transferred his fortunes to BEA Mr Cloete was liked and respected by both English and Dutch; his mind was broad and free of all racial prejudice. His interests were entirely wrapped up in this country; his ambition, freely expressed, was to bring in men of the right stamp who would make this their permanent home. As a member of the Land Board, Mr Cloete devoted himself to furthering the best interests of the settlers. In this death the country suffers a big loss. The vacant place he leaves will not soon be filled. - Boomerang". - "The news of the death of C.J. Cloete came as a grief to his personal friends and to all settlers taking a close interest in the affairs of the colony. It cannot be denied that in the past the first British settlers looked somewhat askance at the apparent influx of the Boer element, which to them spelt agricultural and intellectual stagnation and not progress. But those with more liberal views soon had to acknowledge that among these so-called "Boers" many men of Dutch patrynomic were men of substance, men of education, and men of considerable political promise. In close contact they were "quite English you know" though of a provincial-colonial type. Whatever doubts many may still have had were dissipated when they came into contact with the late Mr Cloete, a patriotic Dutchman and a patriotic Britisher - the two merged into the colonial. In the Association, at meeting and settler conclave, the words and views of Mr Cloete were always listened to with respect. They were remarkable for sound common sense and a high intellectual capacity, giving promise to place the elderly and experienced gentleman very high indeed in public favour. For Mr Cloete arrived here with a sound reputation gained in the Legislative Council of the Orange Free State Colony. He was a man of considerable means and boldly invested in this country, stinting neither money nor energy in doing and promoting development. Mr Cloete can ill be spared, and his loss is greatly to be regretted."
?Christian Johannes - KR 3059
Red Book 1912 - Member of the Land Board - C.J. Cloete
Habari 2009 - 1913 - Ten families under C J Cloete who relocated to BEA from Bethlehem (OFS) in 1911
Gazette 1/8/1912 - Probate and Administration in respect of the estate of Christiaan Johannes Cloete late of Uasin Gishu who died at Uasin Gishu on 2/7/1912. Probate applied for by Mrs Anna Magdalena Cloete and John Clifton Shaw.
Hut - Christian Cloete Sergoit father of Valerius 'Sony'
Christian and his family lived in Bethlehem in the Orange Free State, South Africa,
and he led the 1911 trek to Kenya
Children (information from Clare Steyn):
(1) MARIA ELIZABETH (21/02/1883 – 21/03/1963), she was known as ‘Meta’. Meta was a school mistress in Kenya and was married late in life to a man called Joseph Anthony Henry Wells Diesel. They married in South Africa and lived there. He was quite a bit older than her and died a few years after they were married. After his death Meta returned to Eldoret, where she later died.
(2) ALIDA ELIZABETH JOHANNA (17/09/1884 – 02/07/1950), she was known as ‘Alie’. m. James ‘Jim’ Madden Robinson. Alida was very musical. James died on the 18th. September 1924 of, it is said, Blackwater Fever. James’ family came from Belfast in the Transvaal, SA. I do not know when he arrived in Kenya. James and Alida both died in Eldoret. Alida and James had three children:
i LEONIDA (05/01/1917 – 01/11/1970), known as ‘Pixie’, was born in
Kampala, Uganda in the CMS Mengo Hospital. She went to school at Loreto Convent Msongari, Nairobi. She married Elbert Lukas Steyn jr. Pixie was very active in the Eldoret branch of the East African Women’s League. Pixie and Elbert had three children: Elbert Lukas, James Madden and Johannes Brewer (see Steyn family tree). Pixie died in Eldoret.
ii CHRISTIAN ANNA CLOETE (29/04/1920 – 27/09/2002), born in Eldoret, known as ‘Christie’, m. Reginald Herbert Addison. They had one child, a daughter called Anne. Christie died in England.
iii JOYCE MADDEN(23/09/1924 – 03/05/1993) m. Colin Cherry, who worked in Tanzania, Uganda and at some point for the PTT in Eldoret. I don’t know information of children. Joyce died in England.
(3) ANACREON (18/12/1889 - xxx). He was married twice (in Eldoret). His first wife was Marguerite Muriel Arnoldi and his second wife was Beatrix Gertruida Schutte. I don’t know information of children.
(4) SCHALK WILLEM (04/08/1891 – xxx). Unmarried, I think.
(5) FROLIE (04/11/1892 – xxx) m. Eduard De Waal. I don’t know information of children.
(6) CORNELIA (30/09/1894 – xxx), known as ‘Corrie’. I don’t know information of husband and children.
(7) AGATHA (10/01/1903 – xxx), known as ‘Bonnie’, m. Kosie Boshof. I don’t know information of children.
(8) VALERIUS (04/12/1907 – xxx), known as ‘Sonnie’, m. Johanna Magdalena De Bruyn. I don’t know information of children.