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Name: COCKER, Elioenai James
Birth Date: 1866 Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancs.
Death Date: 27 Nov 1924 Cheadle, Cheshire
First Date: 1905
Profession: Farmer. An early settler in the Lumbwa District where he and his wife farmed. They also owned property at Nakuru
Area: Hut - partner with Gray in Lancashire Farm Lumbwa, Kericho, Nakuru
Married: In Bolton 12 Apr 1898 Sarah Ann Silcock b. Westhoughton, Lancs. 1860, d. 31 Aug 1915 Lumbwa
Children: Elioenai (23 May 1901 Ormskirk-1985 Sefton, Merseyside); Gwen
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Red 25, Hut, Drumkey, Land, Advertiser, Gazette, North, Leader14, Red Book 1912
General Information:
SE - Stephen Ellis's ledger shows Cocker & Gray Feb. 1910. Also J. Cocker, Lancashire Ranch Lumbwa Oct. 1907
Drumkey 1909 Directory of Residents - E.J. Cocker, Lumbwa AND E. Cocker, Kericho ?
Land - 1906 - E.J. Cocker - Building, 1 acre, Nakuru, 16-11-04, Registered 22-8-06
Land - 1907 - E.J. Cocker - Building, 3750 sq.ft., Nairobi, 16-11-04, Registered 1-2-07
Land - 1907 - E.J. Cocker - Building, 3750 sq.ft., Nairobi, 16-11-04, Registered 1-2-07
Land - 1907 - E.J. Cocker - Grazing, 4814 acres, Lumbwa, 16-9-04, Registered 26-3-07
Advertiser - 27/11/08 - Nakuru Agricultural Show - donation from - E.J. Cocker
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Lumbwa
North - Firearms registered at Nairobi Apr-Jun 1905
Leader14 - F.J. Cocker - Lumbwa
Red Book 1912 - E.J. Cocker - Kericho
Gazette - 22/7/1925 - Probate and Administration - Eleoenai James Cocker deceased of Lancashire Ranch, Lumbwa who died at Cheadle Royal Cheadle in the County of Cheshire on 27 November 1924. Applied for by UK Executors. Probate granted in UK - Effects £3866 6s 6d
Inscription in St Paul's Kipkelion - this church is built / to the glory of God / and in memory of its / benefactor E J Cockar / also his wife, Sarah Ann, / late of Lancashire Ranch / Lumbwa. B.E.A. I will not offer unto the lord / of that which doth cost me nothing
Nat Probate Calendar for wife's death