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Name: MURDOCH, Sidney John
Birth Date: 1903 Clogheen, Ireland
Death Date: 3 Feb 1969 Pietermaritzburg
First Date: 1927
Profession: Farmer, Soy
Area: 1930 Sabatia, 1938 Soy
Married: In Molo 1933 Helen Mary?Judd b. 1901
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Hut, Red 31
General Information:
Gazette 6 Dec 1938, Rift Valley Voters List - settler, Ol Joro Orok
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll expunged
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 210).No birthdate in KR records.