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Name: BURT, Andrew Bryant
Birth Date: 4 Apr 1919 Kampala
Death Date: 16 July 1949 Kitale
First Date: 1918
Profession: Farmer, Cherangani
Area: 1919 Manager for Miller, Cherangani, 1922 Soy, Kitale
Married: [Florence Maude?] Marguerite Bryant d. 15 Nov 1956 Kenley, Surrey
Children: ?Winifred Pauline Marie (Hayes Sadler) (18 Feb. 1903-1986)
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Gazette, Red 19, Barnes
War Service: transferred to EAASC 5 Oct 1939
General Information:
Gazette 12/6/1918 - The Compulsory Service Ordinance - Appointed to the Uasin Gishu District Committee - A.B. Burt - E and C Trans Nzoia.
Red Book 1919 - A B Burt - Settler - Soy
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Uasin Gishu - A.B. Burt
Red Book 1919 - Eastern and Central Nzoia Farmers' Association, Trans Nzoia - Hon. Secretary - A. Burt
Kitale cemetery - died 16 July 1949, Andy / dearest husband / of / Marguerite Bryant Burt / loved by all in Kitale
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - Andrew Bryant Burt, Farmer, PO Soy
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Trans Nzoia Voters List
KR records Imperial War Museum One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 336).