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Name: BROWSE, Jack
Nee: bro of Reginald and Victor Browse, uncle of Doria and Valerie Block
Birth Date: 30 Jan 1912 Johannesburg
Death Date: 1988 Surrey
Profession: Optical workshop, optician
Married: In Dire Dawa 23 June 1944 Elizabeth Davies Brownlee Lynch, nurse
Children: Richard (d. 13 Mar 2019 Kloof Golf Course, KwaZulu-Natal)
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Richard Browse
General Information:
Richard Browse - My Dad, Jack, was the last [brother] to come up and he apprenticed in the Optical Workshop and was responsible for actually assembling spectacles and also grinding the lenses. He did this until he was called up into the KAR. I don't think that he was a part of the Kenya Regiment per se but I do not know that for a fact. He was then seconded to the RAMC and was Quartermaster Sergeant I think in Somalia. He ran convoys from there to Mombasa and back with medical supplies and Nurses, one of whom was my mother who was a member of the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps. Another of my mother's QAs was Cynthia (née?) who married Colonel Jock Giles. Two other QAs were Sisters Fisher and Thompson who lived together for many years and ran post war the Nanyuki Cottage Hospital and were fondly known as "Fish" and "Tommy" and were still there in 1975! Jack Browse and Elizabeth Davies Brownlie Lynch were married in Dire Dawa in 1944.
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 418).