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Name: COOK, John Howard 'Jack' (Dr.)
Nee: bro of Albert Ruskin Cook
Birth Date: 30.5.1871 Hampstead, London
Death Date: 19.9.1946 London
Nationality: British
First Date: 1899
Profession: CMS doctor and surgeon at Mengo Hospital, Kampala
Area: Mengo, Uganda
Married: In Hampstead 25.4.1899 Susannah Ethel Maddox b.1874 St John's Wood, d. 30.10.1954 Oldham (sister of Harry Edward Maddox)
Children: Ivan Howard (Kampala 1902); Norman Ethelbert (Kampala 21.2.1903-1933); Albert Bickersteth (Namirembe 27.9.1908)
Book Reference: Gillett, Tucker, EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, BEA, EAHB 1906, CMS, EAHB 1904, Leader14, Beck, UJ
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Mengo
CMS 1899 - Age 28. Of Hampstead. Born at Hampstead. St. Paul's School; Filliter Exhibitioner, Achison Scholar, Med. Entrance Exhibitioner, Medallist in Physiology (silver and gold), Midwifery (silver), Medicine (gold), Surgery (gold), and Pathology (gold), Univ. College, London; House Surgeon, Univ. Coll. Hosp; MB 1895; FRCS 1897; BS (Scholar and Medallist) 1896; MS London 1897; London Sch. Trop. Med. 1904; D. Trop. Med. Camb. 1905. 1898 Apr. 5 Accepted as Missionary CMS; 1899 June 3 Depart for Uganda Mission - Mengo. 1904 July 13 to England. Brother of Albert Ruskin Cook; nephew of Bp. E.H. Bickersteth, and of Mrs Emily Durrant, missionary to India
North - age 28 dep. London for Mombasa with wife 13-6-1899; dep. Mombasa for England with wife and 2 children 13-7-1904
Uganda Journal Vol 11 No 2 Sept 1947 - Obituary - Dr 'Jack' Cook It will be with deep regret that many will hear of the death of Dr J.H. Cook on 19th September last. This applies more particularly to those of an older generation of whom, alas, but too few are left with us. To them the name of Dr Jack as he was familiarly and affectionately called is a treasured and abidfing memory not only or even chiefly for the wonderful cures he wrought among them but for his splendid and sincere Christian character which showed itself in every act of his busy life. ………… He was born on 30th May 1871 and was thus a few months over 75 when he died. Our mother for we were brothers was born in 1830 and educated such of her large family (she had 13 children) as survived to the age of school life in the rather strenuous fashion of the pre-Victorian age. We were expected to read and write by 4 years old ……. [more] Our father was a successful and busy physician well known in Tunbridge Wells and ever mindful of his children's education with strictness but much love. To be reared under such auspices no doubt exerted a powerful influence on the future 'Dr Jack'. Jack and I went to the same Dame School in 1875 and proceeded thereafter to Heath Mount School, a private school for boys on Hampstead Heath. From there we both won scholarships at St. Paul's Public School founded by Dean Colet in I think 1515. Old Paulines were unusually common in Uganda and indeed founded a Society. …….. Jack would no doubt have followed the family tradition and won a scholarship to Cambridge but his health failed him and threatened by goitre he was sent the long sea voyage to Australia. a 3 months, trip in a sailing vessel. He made many warm friends there and was cured but it cost him a Cambridge education since he was compelled to stay in London for health reasons. Nothing daunted, he entered London University and cleared the board of gold medals becoming MS (gold medalist) FRCS, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP and finally started a successful consultant practice. Then followed a dramatic change in his plans. In 1896 I had left for Uganda and moved by my accounts of the need there he threw up his brilliant prospects in England and joined me less than 3 years after I had started …….. When failing health compelled his retirement in 1921 his talents but took a wider sweep when he assumed the responsible post of Secretary of all the medical missions of the Church Missionary Society. His last illness was a mercifully swift one; one month ago he had a stroke and injured himself in falling. Nursed with the utmost devotion in Hampstead Hospital where he had been at one time a consultant surgeon he passed peacefully away on 19th September …………. (Albert R. Cook)