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Name: CAMPBELL, Robert Sandford CMG
Birth Date: 1889 Scotland
Death Date: 1969 Nyali
First Date: 1915
Last Date: 1969
Profession: Started a business in Mombasa in 1919 - clearing and forwarding
Area: Box 153, Mombasa
Married: Mary Louise d. 1972 England. DVP of Mombasa EAWL in 1920's
Children: Ian; 2 dau.
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Golf, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Macmillan, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22
General Information:
Sitrep 2 - Article by Ian Campbell about early days in Kenya Regiment and his friends in Kenya
Red 25 - Committee Member, REAAA
Macmillan - 1930 - Started R.S. Campbell & Co., Mombasa, Import and Export Merchants in 1919. He was President of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, Nairobi, and carried on under his sole direction until 1925, when he was joined in partnership by Mr Jas. E. Cameron.
East Africa & Rhodesia - 12/1/56 - OBE - Robert Sandford Campbell - for public services in Mombasa.
Red 25 - President, Caledonian Society of Mombasa
Gazette - 8/4/1930 - Liable to serve as Jurors and Assessors - R S Campbell, PO Box 153, Mombasa
Scored a hole in one at Mombasa GC in 1919. Winner of the Barry Cup (Coast Golf Championship) in 1924.
See also Thomas Sandford Campbell