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Name: DAVIES, M. J., Mrs
First Date: 1930
Profession: Said to be the first European to be born in the Uasin Gishu
Area: Eldoret, Sergoit
Book Reference: Eldoret, Red 31, Hut
General Information:
Eldoret - her husband remembered the first car he saw when 10 years old; he asked his father who was driving it and what oxen were pulling it. He ran like fury from Eddie de Waal senior's old Model T Ford.
Hut has - 1st European born Uasin Gishu? (See Steyn), Farm 887, Eldoret.
Hut has M.J.H. Davies 1919 Sergoit
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll has Mathys Johannes, farmer. Eldoret