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Name: MOUSLEY, George Bennett

Birth Date: 18 May 1890 S. Africa

Death Date: 26 Feb 1964 Pietermaritzburg, Natal

First Date: 1902

Profession: Farmer

Area: Eldoret, Farm 40, Uasin Gishu, 1902 Mtate Estate, Lyndock, Eldoret

Married: In Eldoret 17 June 1914 Dorothy Leslie b. 17 June 1892 Natal

Children: Charles Edward (30 June 1915 Bethlehem, S. Africa-1956 Kiu); Keith Meredith (1928-2005 Kenya); Leslie Bennett (18 June 1918 Pietrmaritzburg-20 May 1975 Salzburg, Austria)

Book Reference: Eldoret, KAD, Hut, Red 22, Nicholls, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, mini-Sitrep XXXII, Gazette

General Information:

Nicholls - Mrs Eileen Williams (née Leslie) - In December 1913 my sister was married to Bennet Mousley in Eldoret. Our little bamboo church was specially built for the occasion. Our kind neighbours in-spanned [yoked] their oxen and trekked to the 'whipstick bush' about 30 or 40 miles to cut and carry the bamboos and load them on to their wagons. They also had to bring cedar posts for the uprights, and then the church was thatched with grass which was cut by them.
mini-Sitrep XXXII - at first meeting of Eldoret Elected Council on 8 April 1930 - C.B. Mousley ?
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Plateau South - G.B. Mousley - Farmer, PO Box 40
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll  has Bennett
Gazette 22 Mar 1966 probate

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