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Name: SPURRIER, Harry Victor
Birth Date: 21 Aug 1870 Birmingham
Death Date: 1952 Banbury, buried 1 Feb
First Date: 1923
Profession: First brewer at Kenya Breweries. The relationship did not last and he leeft the brewery in about 1924.
Area: Ruaraka
Married: In Cardiff 1901 Ethel Maude Gotterell b. 19 Jan 1872 Cardiff, d. 1941 Lichfield
Children: Ethel May (1903 Sedgley-1986); Marjorie (16 Aug 1904 Tottenhall Wood, Staffs.)
Book Reference: Brewery, Red 25
General Information:
He was a brewer of much experience and to his credit he performed some near miracles in a factory that had kuni [wood] as fuel, no electricity or cooling apparatus at a time when yeast took 6 weeks to arrive from England.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Banbury as brewer (retired)