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Name: BELCHER, Eileen Louise, Mrs
Birth Date: 1900
Death Date: 6 Feb 1883 Nanyuki
First Date: 1933
Profession: Chief instigator in the formation of the Kenya Ladies' Golf Union
Area: Kiambu
Married: Edward Brymer Belcher (1888-1963)
Children: Elizabeth 'Libo' (Barton) (1929-2017) ; Jonathan Ross Brymer (1933 Nairobi-2007); Humphrey Edward Brymer (1934-25.4.2011 Nairobi)
Book Reference: Golf, Hut, Kiambu Scrapbook, Gazette
General Information:
Kiambu Scrapbook - Ladies' golf was outstanding; the first KGLU Championships were held in 1933 at the Railway Club, with Kiambu's Lilian Humphreys (later Mrs Impey) being the winner and Eileen Belcher runner-up. ….. In 1947, the KGLU became the EALGU, Eileen Belcher, who has been described as "having done more for ladies' golf than anyone else in Kenya" having been instrumental in attaining this status for us.
Gazette 24 June 1983
Ladies' Champion Kiambu GC 1935. Runner-up in the Kenya Ladies' Golf Championship in 1933.
Gazette 24 June 1983 probate