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Name: CRAMPTON, Dudley Russell
Birth Date: 1882 Chilton, Suffolk
Death Date: 4.1.1947 Chiswick
First Date: 1904
Profession: Asst. Collector EA in 1904 and DC in 1911
Area: HBEA 1912 DC Kisii. EAHB 1905 - Asst. Collector, Lamu, 1909-13 Kisumu, 1922 Meru, 1906 Sub-Collector Tanaland
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Ainsworth, RH, Gethin, Oswald, Rayne, Tignor, EAHB 1905, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, Gazette, CO, Dominion, North, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red Book 1912, LG, Red 19
School: Aldenham School, Elstree, in Germany and Switzerland
General Information:
Gethin - 1923 - 'Vidal went on leave and was relieved by Crampton, a very able man but bone lazy. ........... an Irish doctor called Brennan took over with an Indian sub-assistant surgeon. Brennan was very hot tempered and immediately got up against Crampton who tried to boss him. When Crampton got a bout of malaria Brennan took the greatest delight in sticking the bluntest needle he could find into Crampton's backside, much to the latter's annoyance. During Crampton's term of office in Kisii not much happened. Crampton was a bachelor and did little entertaining, saving his money for the day he was to retire, when he was looking forward to running a night club in London. During his tour in Kisii Crampton bought a Dodge car, and as he was fond of Club life, he decided it was necessary to build a road from Kisii to Kisumu, so he could go on weekends to the Kisumu Club. Rimington was given the job of building the road as far as the Sondu, where it would connect with a track already in existence. The present road from Oyugis was Rimington's survey, over which he constructed the road, or rather most of it, which is still in existence in the year 1957. When Rimington had been some two months on the job Crampton sent for him and enquired why the road was not finished, which Rimington considered to be unreasonable as he had some 30 miles to make passable for Crampton's car. Rimington lost his temper and told Crampton he had better get out and make his own bloody road, instead of sitting on his bottom in Kisii doing nothing. This ended in Rimington being transferred to another District. During the latter part of 1924 Crampton was relieved by Campbell, who now came on a second tour to Kisii. We all felt Campbell was again sent to clean up the District, as everything had got very slack, and it was rumoured the hut tax was down by thousands of pounds as Crampton just couldn't be bothered collecting it.
Rayne - Turkana - ... patrol, consisting of 4 Europeans (myself, the Chief Political Officer - Mr D.R. Crampton - Lieut. J. Francis, and the surgeon - Mr Henry Lawrence Sargent) and 120 native rifles ....…. Mount Labur
EAHB 1905 - Asst. Collector, EAP, May 1904
KAD 1922 - District and Resident Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, Meru
Gazette - 11/2/14 - appt. DC Turkana
CO 533/371/3 - Confidential Reports 1927 - Has been passed over for promotion owing to lack of energy and keenness
Dominion - District Officer - 1930
EAHB 1907 - Asst. Collector - Kyambu
Red Book 1912 - D.R. Crampton - Kisumu - Kisumu Province - DC at Kisumu
London Gazette - 1 May 1917 - Despatch from the Governor of the EA Protectorate bringing to notice the undermentioned names for valuable services during the operations against the Turkana, a tribe resident on the Northern Frontier of the East Africa and Uganda Protectorates, whose open hostility to government since the outbreak of war rendered a punitive expedition necessary.
Ainsworth - 1910 - Asst. DC - Kisii. RH s.1277 - DC at Kisii in 1919.
Oswald - 1911 - DC at Kisii/Kendu. Tignor - 1919-20 - PC Kenya Province
Gazette - 18/7/1917 - Honours - Mentioned in Despatches - Mr D R Crampton, District Commissioner