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Name: THOMAS, Albert Nelson

Birth Date: 19 Oct 1905 Axbridge, Somerset

First Date: 1929

Profession: Professional Golfer who joined Kitale GC in 1929 and moved on to Royal Nairobi GC. A golfer remarkable for his long hitting, Thomas went to Park View, Johannesburg by 1953.

Area: Kitale, Nairobi

Married: 1. In Nairobi 1930 Edith Elsie Swinbourne b. 1902, of Knowle, Bristol, d. 30.4.1933 Nairobi; 2. Sheila Frances b. 1915

Book Reference: Golf

General Information:

Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Edith Elsie Thomas, British, age 30, died 30/4/33. Inscription: in loving memory / of / Edith Elsie / Swinbourne / born 1902 / died 1933 / beloved wife of / A N Thomas

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