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Name: MAPLES, William Evelyn (Capt.)
Birth Date: 2.2.1880 Paddington
Death Date: 15.12.1916 Kut, Iraq, on active service
First Date: 1909
Profession: 3rd KAR
Book Reference: Police, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, Harmony, North, EAHB 1907
War Service: Capt. Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt.; SA War Queen's Medal with 4 clasps; King's Medal with 2 clasps
School: Winchester
General Information:
Police - The second Nandi Rebellion had broken out towards the close of 1905. The Police at Kisumu and a company of the 3rd KAR commanded by Capt. Maples, were able for a few months to cope with the outbreak and we made Muhoroni our HQ. The force was later withdrawn as the Nandi appeared to be behaving more circumspectly, but the withdrawal of troops was only an invitation for them to intensify their activities. It was then decided to despatch a strong punitive force against them. That was on October 18th, 1905, and military operations did not conclude until July in the following year, when the Nandi had had enough and surrendered.
Drumkey 1909 - 3rd KAR, Yonte
Member of Lodge Harmony - Joined 2/10/05
North - selected for service with 3rd Batt. KAR 5-9-1904; arr. Mombasa from BCA with 1st Batt. KAR and dep. for Mazeras 8-7-1905; 1906 at Nyeri
EAHB 1907 - Kismayu
EAHB 1906 Nyeri