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Name: BROWN, George Pritchard (Capt.)
Photo Source: family photos
Birth Date: 28 Mar 1885 Tower Hamlets
Death Date: 8 May 1968 Tonbridge
First Date: 1914
Profession: Police - In 1926, a Superintendent of Police, he was appointed Staff Officer to the Commissioner. Deputy Commissioner of Police in 1939, appointed 1938. Originally Lieut. Police Service Battalion 1914, retired 1940
Area: Nairobi, Mombasa
Married: In Dublin 1920 Agnes Josephine Garland b. 3 Mar 1898 Dublin, d. 20 May 1878 North Walsham, Norfolk
Children: Stephanie Pritchard (Walker) (31 May 1922 Nairobi-21 Mar 2005 Nettleham); Robin Desborough Pritchard (1 Oct 1928 Nairobi-7 Feb 2017 Pershore)
Book Reference: Police, Staff 39, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Colonial, Red 22, Gazette, Dominion, Leader14, Red 19
War Service: East African Units
General Information:
Police - Appointed Acting Deputy Commissioner in 1931 after Commissioner Spicer left for Palestine and Lumley, the Acting Commissioner, retired. Was confirmed as Assistant Commissioner of Police when Lumley retired towards the end of 1931. .............. In 1938 when R.A.C. Cavendish, the Commissioner, went on sick leave to SA, Pritchard Brown assumed temporary command of the Force during his absence. ....... On July 19th 1939, Captain G. Pritchard Brown deperted on leave pending retirement after completing 25 years service.
KAD 1922 Asst. Superintendent of Police, Nairobi
Colonial - Served with EA police service battalion 1914-17; Capt. Aug. 1915; Turkana Expedn. 1915 (AGS med.); Asst. Supt. of Police Apr. 1916; Supt. Police Dec 1923; staff officer to commissioner of Police 1926; Ag. Dep. Commissioner Police July to Oct. 1931; Officer Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Asst. Commissioner Police Jan 1933; Ag. Commissioner of Police various periods 1934-38; King's Police Medal 1936; Deputy Commissioner Jan 1938
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - Town Guard - To be Lieutenant - Sergeant G.P. Brown - Sergeant Brown was attached to the KAR at Gazi from the 8th October 1914 to the 18th October 1914 inclusive.
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - Transferred to the East Africa Police (Military Service Battalion) - Lieutenant G.P. Brown from Mombasa Town Guard
Dominion - Superintendent of Police - 1930
Gazette 26/9/1917 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Asst. Superintendent of Police - 18/9/1917
Red Book 1919 - G P Brown - EA Police - Nairobi
Red Book 1919 - Asst. Superintendent of Police
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - G. Pritchard Brown, Superintendent of Police, Box 83, Nbi and Agnes Josephine Brown, Married woman, Box 83, Nbi
Alan Walker (grandson): His wife had a very sharp mind. She was one of five daughters of a general doctor in North Dublin- Arran Quay. Also five brothers. The five brothers were high achievers. But the girls all of whom I knew were all very bright too and attended a convent boarding school in Belgium. Their father whose work was largely with the poor living in the crowded tenements in north Dublin, was determined they all receive a good education. In more recent times they would certainly have gone to University and achieved just as highly as the boys. Agnes was a good bridge player.
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