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Name: BOND, Brian Willoughby MC (Major)
Nee: brother-in-law of Richard Gethin
Birth Date: 15 Jan 1894 Farragh, Killoe
Death Date: 19 Aug 1963 Ireland
First Date: 1920
Profession: Appointed a DO in 1920. DC Kitui 1939. DC at Kisii 1938
Area: Kitui, Kisii, 1922 Narok, PO Naivasha, Kabarnet 1936-38
Married: In Wimbledon 15 June 1926 Cicely Ingeborg Arendrup Grenside b. 1888 Wimbledon, d. 22 Feb 1958 Longford, Ireland
Children: Julian (1928); Patrick
Book Reference: Staff 39, RH, Gethin, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Colonial, Red 22, Dominion, Nicholls, Chandler, Gazette, web-Longford at War
War Service: Connaught Rangers
School: Malvern College, St John's Coll. Cambridge
General Information:
Leant Richard Gethin £2000 to make the final payment to Horace Dawson for shares in Gethin & Dawson in 1933 when Bond was a senior DO at Kisii.
KAD 1922 - Administration Cadet, Ngong
Dominion - District Officer - 1930
Nicholls - Perhaps it was in reaction to Jane [Clive] that Brian Bond, [J.H.] Clive's fellow DO, founded the Kisumu Purity League, which had ten maxims, two of which were: Work is the Curse of the Drinking Classes, and Sobriety is a Menace to Civilization.
Chandler - A member of the Kenya Administration from 1920-1940, Major Bond was a lusty Irish WW1 veteran who was first district officer and then district commissioner at Kitui, Ukamba province. He was known as 'BB' and had won a Military Cross during the war.
Gazette 19/5/1920 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Asst. District Commissioner - 6/5/1920
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List