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Name: MURPHY, John Howard Blackwood CMRZS, FRSPB, FRHS
Birth Date: 1895 Cork, Ireland
Nationality: Irish
First Date: 1919
Last Date: 1946
Profession: Appointed as a DO in 1930. Asst. DC from 1919. DC Kwale in 1939.
Area: Kwale, 1922 Chorreh Kismayu, 1925 Kitui, 1935 DC Baringo, 1943-46 Kisumu
Married: 1935 Elizabeth Mary Rose
Book Reference: Staff 39, Bwana, Who's Who, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Colonial, Red 22, Gazette
War Service: 1915-18 RAMC, CTC & EIC
School: Cork Grammar School and Trinity College, Dublin
General Information:
Who's Who 1954 - Hotel Manager - Has lived in 10 countries with various employments including India Office, Colonial Civil Service (Dist. Comm. and Magistrate), Pig breeding etc.: Mem. Howard League for Penal Reform; Cont. to "Man" and Journal of Royal Anthropological Inst. - British Somaliland (3 years), Kenya (23.5 years)
Gazette 24/12/1919 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Asst. District Commissioner - 8/12/1919
Bwana - 1936 - DC at Kabarnet. 1919-46 Colonial Civil Service (Jubaland, Brit. Somaliland, Kenya. Retired to Rhodesia in 1946.
KAD 1922 - Administration Cadet, Chorreh
Kenya Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Coast Voters List has Blackward