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Name: CRUICKSHANK, Arthur Edward 'Cruicky'
Birth Date: 12.11.1866 Elgin, Scotland
Death Date: 21.7.1915 at sea on board SS Anversville
Nationality: British
First Date: 1897 after nearly 10 years in the Traffic Dept. Bengal & NW Railway
Last Date: 1912
Profession: Traffic Manager of the Uganda Railway from 1897-1912, retiring to live in Tanganyika. Appointed General Manager of the Gold Coast Railway in 1912
Area: Tanganyika, Nairobi
Married: In Elgin 5 Sep 1899 Helen Jane Scott b.10.9.1863 Elgin, d. 30 Oct 1949 Edinburgh
Children: Arthur Alexander Macdonald (Elgin 13.8.1901-13 May 1962 Tanga)
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Cuckoo, Permanent Way, Golf, Kill, Tucker, Land 1903, EAHB 1905, EAS, North, Playne, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, Land, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, Gazette, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Leader14
School: at Elgin
General Information:
Went to EA in 1899 and later lived at Lavengera Estate, Minyusi, Tanganyika
SE - A.E. Cruickshank - Nbi. - July 1907
He was first a Law apprentice in Scotland, and then was appointed to the Traffic Department of the Bengal and North Western Railway.
Cuckoo - 1904 - By great good fortune the traffic manager, A.E.C. ("Cruicky" to his host of friends), was travelling on the train (Msa-Nbi) - his inspection coach having been attached at Makindu. He kindly invited me to ride with him. This was a courtesy to a newcomer which was greatly appreciated. "Cruicky" was a charming companion and universally popular throughout E.A. (more)
Golf - Elected to Committee of Nairobi Golf Club in 1910 at the first annual general meeting.
Land Grant 1903 - A.E. Cruickshank - Agricultural and building, 10 acres - Near Nairobi - Aug 25 - Leasehold
EAHB 1905 - Law Apprentice in Scotland; Superior Grade Traffic Dept., Bengal and North Western Railway, 9 1/2 years; Lieut., North West Provinces Volunteers, India, 1891 to 1894; Captain 1894 to 1897; Assistant Adjutant, left wing (4 Railway Companies) of Battalion, 1891 to 1893; Traffic Manager, Uganda Railway, August 9th 1897.
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa
Playne - Mr Cruickshank was born at Elgin, Scotland on November 12, 1866, and educated in his native town. He came to EA from India on August 9, 1897, on appointment as Traffic Manager, Uganda Railway. Before coming to BEA he was for 9 and a half years Assistant and District Traffic Superintendent, Bengal and North-Western Railway, India. Mr Cruickshank opened the first section of the Uganda Railway to Voi for public traffic in Dec. 1907 [sic]. He was present with the Chief Engineer and Governor at the laying of the last rail on Lake shore on December 20, 1901, and was thanked by Governor, Chief Engineer, Foreign Office Railway Committee, and Home Government for services in the construction of the railway. He had a special letter of thanks from Lord Lansdowne for Traffic Report on EA. Mr Cruickshank is a member Municipal Council, Nairobi; President, Caledonian Sports Club, Nairobi; Steward, EA Turf Club; and on the committee of the Golf Club, Scotch Church, Rifle Club, and Caledonian Society of EA. In his Indian days he was Company Commander and Adjutant of Railway Company, 4th Battalion NWP Volunteers (1892-97). He has been second in command of the Uganda Railway Volunteer Corps since its formation, and was founder and first President of the Nairobi Rifle Club in 1900.
Playne - Committee member of Nairobi Golf Club
Playne - Traffic Manager of Railway during construction
Playne - Group Photograph - 'Officers of the Uganda Railway 1909'
Drumkey 1909 - Railway Dept. - Traffic Dept. - Traffic Manager
Drumkey 1909 - Vice-President, The Caledonian Society of BEA
Drumkey 1909 has him listed as Albert Edward Cruickshank
Land - 1906 - A. Cruickshank - Building, 10 acres, Nairobi, Registered 3-9-06
EAS - 15/1/1903 - Nairobi Races - Entries - Machakos Cup - Janet II - A.E. Cruickshank
Advertiser - 11/12/08 - Nakuru Agricultural Show - donations from - A.E. Cruickshank
Advertiser - 12/3/1909 - Nairobi Golf Club - Bowring Monthly Comp. - A.E. Cruickshank
Gazette - 8/9/15 - Obituary - Arthur Edward Cruickshank - July 21st - General Manager Gold Coast Govt. Railways who was for many years Traffic Manager of the Uganda Railway. A capable and genial official he was very popular with all classes of the community and his numerous friends will sympathis deeply with his wife and son
North - Recommended for permanent position after reorganisation of Railway staff - 'Heart & soul in his job' (Currie FO2) 12-11-1904; 'Waster …. Cruickshank, Snowden and Boyce are the three biggest fools on the Railway' (McGregor-Ross, RH
Leader14 - J.A. Cruickshank (Uganda Ry.) - Nairobi
Gazette - 15/1/1906 - Member of Nairobi Township Committee - 1906
Gazette 1/5/1912 - Departed on termination of appointment
Cuckoo - His wife died of fever at Escarpment
Gazette - 15-8-1901 - Birth - at Elgin, Scotland on the 12th instant, the wife of A.E. Cruickshank, Uganda Railway, of a Son.
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