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Name: WALTER, Maurice William
Nee: son of Albert Walter, twin bro of Philip Lucien Walter
Birth Date: 22 Jan 1907 Mauritius
Death Date: 4 June 1964 Nairobi [?1989 Eastbourne]
First Date: 1926
Profession: Meteorologist in EA Meteorological Service in 1939, appointed 1932. Originally Survey Cadet 1926
Area: 1930 Statistical Dept., Nairobi
Married: In Reading 1936 Evelyn E. Kersley b. 16 Feb 1912 Windsor
Book Reference: Staff 39, Red 31, Colonial
War Service: Military service RAF 1943-46, Flt.-Lieut. (despatches)
School: St. Aidan's College, Grahamstown
General Information:
Gazette 6 Oct 1964 probate required by Evelyn Copping for grant of will of Maurice Walter of Nairobi who d. at Nairobi 4 June 1964
1939 England and Wales Register living in Reading with wife, as 'Meteorologist British East Africa'