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Name: SHOOLMAN, Louis Arthur
Birth Date: 3 May 1899 Stepney, London
Death Date: ?1988 Rochester, New York, USA
First Date: 1921
Profession: Clerk Uganda 1921; Government Coast Agent in 1939, appointed 1934. Originally Asst. Govt. Coast Agent from 1927
Area: Mombasa
Married: Clarice Victor b. 1901, d. 16 July 1985 Westminster
Children: Lucie G. (1928)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Red 31, Colonial, Red 22, Uganda Staff
War Service: Military service 1917-19 and 1939-40, Capt.
School: Privately and Clarke's College London; Assoc. Inst. Transport.
General Information:
Red 22 has L. Schoolman, Box 1, Entebbe
Uganda Staff 1938 - Government Coast Agent, Mombasa, originally Clerk, Land and Survey, Uganda 1921
Colonial Contrlr. Overseas Purchasing Div. 1941-47; Dir. Supplies Uganda 1947
Blue Book 1937 appt. 8.4.1921