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Name: CUNNINGHAM, James Francis FRGS, FZS
Birth Date: 1862, bapt. 12 Oct Clare, Drumclift, Ireland
Death Date: 17.10.1937 ?Portsmouth
Nationality: British
First Date: 1899
Profession: Private Secretary to Sir Harry Johnston's Special Mission to Uganda in 1899. Later he became Judicial Officer & Registrar in Uganda and then served with the Uganda Volunteer Reserve in 1903
Area: Entebbe, Uganda
Married: In Paris 6.10.1901 Carmencita Van Berkel, Comtesse de Berkel (French) (div. 1918)
Children: Carmencita Evelyn Johnston (Entebbe 11.2.1903- Aug 1904 Paris); Mildred Rosita (Entebbe 10.8.1905); James Charles (Entebbe 20.9.1906-29 Sep 1939 RAF on active service); Francis Walter (Entebbe 25.2.1908- 24.5.1909 Mombasa)
Author: 'Uganda & Its Peoples' (1905)
Book Reference: Gillett, EAHB 1905, EAS, North, EA Diary, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, UJ, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
War Service: Served with Uganda Volunteer Reserve 1903
School: King's College, London and privately
General Information:
He was an outstanding shot, and won many trophies during his years in Uganda.
EAHB 1905 - Secretary to the British Central African Administration, Sept. 24th 1892; organised Printing Dept. and was appointed editor of the Official Gazette, June 1894; served as volunteer in campaign against Zarafi, etc. 1895; (received Central Africa medal); won gold medal offered by Zomba rifle club 1897 and the Edwards Cup 1898; Chief British Commissioner for delimitation of Anglo-Portuguese boundary in British Central Africa, May 24th 1899; Private Secretary to Sir Harry Johnston's special mission to Uganda, Aug. 24th 1899; passed examinations at Middle Temple and admitted a law student, June 29th 1900; admitted to Gray's Inn, July 1st 1900; Secretary to the Uganda Administration, April 1st 1901; appointed Judicial Officer, July 19th 1900; carried on duties of Chief Judicial Officer and Registrar in Uganda, April 10th, 1900 to Dec. 9th 1900; acting at Head-quarters for Special Commissioner during his tour of inspection May 28th to June 8th 1900 and during the Deputy Commissioner's absence with Nandi Expedition, Jan 9th to Feb 16th 1901;
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa
Drumkey 1909 - Uganda Volunteer Reserve - Winner of Cole's Cup, presented by Col. A.H. Coles, 1907 - J.F. Cunningham
Uganda Journal - Vol 22, p. 186 - Group photograph of Uganda officials November 1907.
EAHB 1905 - Sec. to Administration, Entebbe
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