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Name: CURRIE, Harry Augustus Frederick CMG
Nee: son of Charles Currie
Birth Date: 3.1.1866 Inverness, Scotland
Death Date: 2.7.1912 Leeds, England, whilst on leave
Nationality: British
First Date: 1903
Last Date: 1912
Profession: He worked on Forth Bridge construction and then for the Indian Govt. Service from 1888-1901. Appointed Manager of the Uganda Railway in 1903, he was a Member of Legco from 1907-12.
Area: Nairobi
Married: In England 23.7.1906 Mrs Maud Hobson R. Greene née Sheppard b. 1871, d. 14.11.1913 Harefield, Middlesex
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Permanent Way, Cranworth, EAHB 1905, Red 25, North, Playne, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, All Saints, Red Book 1912
School: Glenalmond, and Cooper's Hill, appointed a Fellow of Cooper's Hill 1887
General Information:
SE - H.A.F. Currie - Mar 1908
Permanent Way - From April 1900 to April 1903 he had served with the Peking Syndicate, Ltd., in Shanghai. On July 3rd 1903, he was appointed Manager of the Uganda Railway, with effect from October 1st, at a salary of £2000 a year. .............. Went on leave in April 1912 to England and there died on July 2nd. He had taken charge of the railway making a working loss of £60000 in 1903 and he left it making a profit of more than double that sum in 1912.
Cranworth - 'The head of the railways when we arrived was Mr Currie, not only and efficient Administrator but a great gentleman of the old school. ....... He found it, I think, a little difficult to mix freely with the young newcomers, but his invariable courtesy and hospitality rendered him both respected and popular.'
EAHB 1905 - on Forth Bridge Construction Works, 1888; Asst. Engineer, Indian Public Works Dept., 1888-1892; Assistant Manager, North West Railway, India, 1892-94; Deputy Consulting Engineer for Railways 1894-95; Asst. Secretary to Govt. of India 1894-97; Deputy Consulting Engineer for Railways 1897-98; lent to Pekin Syndicate for employment in China, 1898-1900; Deputy Manager, Oude and Rohilkund Railway; Manager, Uganda Railway 1903.
Red 25 - Manager of Uganda Railway 1903-1912
Playne - Mr Currie was born north of the Tweed in 1866, and educated at Glenalmond and Cooper's Hill. He came to EA in September, 1903, on appointment as Manager of the Uganda Railway. After leaving Cooper's Hill Mr Currie was one year engaged on the construction of the Forth Bridge. He joined the Indian Public Works Dept. (Railway branch), 1888; was Asst. Manager of North Western Railway, India 1892-94; Deputy Consulting Engineer for Railways, 1894-95; Asst. Secretary to Govt. of India 1895-97; employed in China on railway pioneering work, 1898-1902; and Deputy Manager, Oude and Rohilkhund Railway, 1902-03. Mr Currie is a member of Legco, BEA; member of Committee of the Nairobi Club, and Commander of the Railway Section, Volunteer Reserve. The CMG was conferred upon him in 1908. Patron of Rift Valley Sports Club
Playne - Photo - p. 219
Playne - Group Photograph - 'Officers of the Uganda Railway 1909'
Drumkey 1909 - Railway Dept. - Manager
Drumkey 1909 - President, The Caledonian Society of BEA
Drumkey 1909 - Vice-President, East Africa Turf Club
All Saints - Memorial - The Hon Harry Augustus Frederick Currie CMG, Manager of Uganda Railway 1903-12; Member of Executive and Legislative Council, who died in a nursing home at Leeds 2-7-1912 and was buried at Lyme Regis, Dorset.
Red Book 1912 - H.A.F. Currie - Nairobi
Gazette 15/7/1912 - Obituary - His Excellency deeply regrets to announce the death of the Hon Harry Augustus Frederick Currie CMG Manager of the Uganda Railway and Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils which took place at Leeds on Tuesday 2/7/1912. The sad event, of which no details have yet been received, deprives the Protectorate of one of its most gifted and distinguished officers whose exceptional capacity and unremitting industry have been largely instrumental in promoting the success of the important department which he administered for close on 9 years. His talents were of the highest order and his loss to the service is well nigh irreparable. In private life his absolute sincerity of purpose and his great generosity both in public and private matters endeared him to everyone and his death will be deeply mourned by all classes of the community. The various charitable institutions which he was always ready to assist with advice or with more substantial aid will find his place almost impossible to fill. In him has passed away a truly conscientious official an open handed and public spirited citizen and a deeply loved friend.
HBEA 1912 - General Manager Railways
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