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Name: TAYLOR, Walter Harold 'Reggie'
Birth Date: 1901
First Date: 1926
Profession: Education Officer, African, Educ Dept. in 1939, appointed 1926. Originally Asst Master 1926. Seconded to Arab Educ. as Principal, Coast Sec. School, Shimo la Tewa in 1939
Area: Kakamega, Shimo la Tewa, 1930 Mombasa
Book Reference: Staff 39, EAWL - C. Bell, Red 31, O&C, Dominion
School: St. Edmund Hall Oxford 1922-26; BA Hons (Cantab)?
General Information:
Christopher Bell's mentor - Headmaster of Kakamega school and later Shimo-la-Tewa. Came from Stamford. Very competent but had a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Anti establishment. Bell used to hold back his letters until he'd cooled down!
Dominion - Education Department - Assistant Master - 1930
Gazette - 27/10/1926 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Asst. Master - W.H. Taylor
Blue Book 1939 appt 16.9.1926
President, Mombasa Club 1951