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Name: O'FARRELL, Edward Joseph
Birth Date: 27 Feb 1880 Dublin
Death Date: 7 Sep 1952 east Dublin
First Date: 1923
Profession: Solicitor, Registrar of the Supreme Court, Kenya in 1939, appointed 1935. Originally Deputy Registrar 1924
Area: Nairobi
Married: Catherine Mary Josephine b. 1900 Dublin, d. 7 May 1961 Dublin
Children: Maurice Edward (18 May 1935 Mombasa)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Red 25, Red 31, Dominion
School: Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Ireland
General Information:
Dominion - Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court 1930
Gazette 5 May 1953 probate (no exact date of death)
Nat Probate Calendar