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Name: BLUNT, David Enderby (Commander RN, retd.)
Photo Source: marriage- Phyllida Cockell album
Birth Date: 10 Sep 1891 St. Andrews, Fife
Death Date: 25 Apr 1971 Mombasa
First Date: 1920
Profession: Commander Kenya Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve in 1939, appointed 1937. Originally a Tsetse Fly Overseer 1935. Scenic and game viewing safaris & big-game fishing.
Area: Mombasa
Married: In Mombasa 21 Dec 1938 Winifred Enid 'Billy' Dent b. 26 Sep 1910, d. 5 Jan 2011 Sedburgh (dau of Richard Edward Dent and prev. m. 1935 Geoffrey Wier Mason, d. 1935)
Children: Sarah Rose (1941); John Nicholas De Guisnes 'Nicky' (1939-10.9.2018 Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal)
Author: 'Elephant' (1933)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Who's Who, Breath, Thurston, Chandler
School: St. Salvator's, St. Andrews, Osborne and Dartmouth Naval Colleges
General Information:
Who's Who - Joined Royal Navy 1904; served throughout WW1 in submarines A12, E14, Second Capt. B10, C8, D1, in Command. 1918 in charge submarine training, Gosport. Also in command Q ship (Decoy) Bolham alias Climping, 90 ton ketch; invalided for eyesight 1919. 1920-22 Sena Sugar Estates, P.E.A.; 1923-24 Sisal and Cotton, Tanganyika; 1934-36 Tstese fly research, Tanganyika & Kenya; 1937 Command Kenya RNVR till Sept 1939; 1939-40 Naval Off. in charge, Mombasa; 1941 Decoy Sites, Royal Dockyards and Admiralty, 1941-2 Comm. & Exec Off. to Commodore Combined Operations, Largs, N.B.; 1942-43 Staff Officer DEHS Calcutta; invalided 1943. 1944-49 Farming Coast Province, Kenya; 1949-55 Hunting elephant Control as Hon. Game Warden, Kenya and safari guide in game viewing zones and big game fishing Indian Ocean.
Breath - Commander David E. Blunt stated that, between 1850 and 1890, 46,950 elephants were killed annually to supply the London market alone.
Thurston - CO 533, 477/2 - 1937 - Kenya Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve: Commander D.E. Blunt appointed commanding officer
Gazette 5/4/1938 - Honorary Game Warden
Gazette 13 Aug 1971 probate
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