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Name: CARMAN, John Ambrose (Dr.)

Nee: bro of William Arthur Carman

Birth Date: 6 Apr 1899 London

Death Date: 3 Feb 1994 Romsey

First Date: 1926

Profession: Anaesthetist Specialist, Medical Dept., Kenya in 1939, appointed 1939. Originally Prob. Medical Officer 1926

Area: Nairobi

Married: In Conway, Caernarvonshire 1925 Mary Redmayne McLaine b.11 May 1894 Crumpsall, d. 1964 Dover

Children: John Anthony (26 Feb 1927-2005); Joan R. (1920); Robin (5 Dec 1929 Caernarvonshire-2015); Cherry

Author: 'History of All Saints' Cathedral', 'A Medical History of Kenya - A Personal Memoir'

Book Reference: Staff 39, Perham, Red 31, Colonial, mini-SITREP XIV, Carman, Dominion

War Service: on military service 1917-18 and 1939-45, Surg.-Capt.

School: Hither Green School, Highbury County School & London Hosp. Med. Coll. MD (Lond), MRCS (Eng), LRCP (Lon), DTM&H (Lond) D of A

General Information:

Surgeon-Lt. at Kenya Regiment first annual camp 1938 - photo
Perham - 1929 - Kisumu - called to see a model 'village' built by the Health Officer, Dr. J.A. Carman
Carman - On arrival at Mombasa I was met by Dr. R.J. Harley-Mason who later became the Colony's first opthalmic specialist. He helped me through the customs and entertained myself, my wife and my daughter at his house ………
Dominion - Medical Officer - 1930
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - John Ambrose Carman, Medical Officer, Gymkhana Rd., Nbi
Military service (1917-18); Resident MO Royal Mineral Water Hospital Bath [n.d.]; MO Kenya (1926-39); Specialist Anaesthetist Kenya (1939- 51); military service World War Two (1939-45); churchwarden Nairobi Cathedral; retired UK 

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