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Name: KELSON, Sydney Thomas CPM
Birth Date: 29.1.1901 Ramsgate
Death Date: 1975 Thanet
First Date: 1926
Profession: Inspector, Kenya Police in 1939, appointed 1938. Originally Constable 1926.
Area: 1930 Mombasa
Married: In Thanet 1936 Ethel Violet Kemp b. 9 June 1915
Book Reference: Staff 39, Red 31, Habari 17
General Information:
Habari 17 - Jack Fentum wrote - "Nobody ever mentions Tom Kelson, another 'cracking good chap.' I must write you a little story about him. He was at one time officer I/c Kilimani Police Station. One evening the wife of a very senior official telephoned Kelson saying her houseboy was troublesome. Kelson asked 'Yes madam, has he stolen something or assaulted you or what?' Her reply was 'Oh No, I just want you to come up to talk to him and frighten him.' Kelson replied 'Madam, I am the Inspector in charge of the Police Station, not the official bogey man.'
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - Stanley Thomas Kelson, Asst. Inspector of Police, Kilimani
Gazette - 15/9/1926 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Police Constable - S.T. Keelson [sic]
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife in Ramsgate, on leave from Kenya police